The weather forecast for Buder Park continues to look nearly ideal - moderate temperatures and very low wind - so our launch today is still GO and I will be leaving for the park shortly. Please see the previous post for details.
What wind we do have is expected to be out of the east, so I expect to set up the range on the north side of the park, opposite the R/C flyers' pavilion. However, that can always change based on wind direction and other occupants of the park, so if you don't see us at first, please take a loop all the way around the park to look for us. Our launch pad looks like a large red-and-white sawhorse, and there should also be an orange wind sock nearby, so you can look for those landmarks.
One other note - as previously mentioned, launch fees are $3 per person or family. If you are planning to pay with cash rather than PayPal, it would help us out if you can bring singles as I do not have many to make change. Thanks!