We will be transferring the SLRA website to a new internet provider over the next several days. If all goes well, this will require no action on your part; it is possible, however, that we will have to generate new passwords for all registered users and provide them to you by email. The website will be unavailable for a period of time which we will try to keep as brief as possible, but we hope that by doing this during the winter when we have no launches, it won't be an inconvenience.
If you do not currently have a user ID and password on this site, please do not register as a new user at this time. We are making backups right now which will be used to rebuild the site on the new server, so any new registrations made right now will be lost. Also, please hold off on paying 2016 dues until we are done with the move.
If you have problems with the website after the transition, please let me know via email at danno@danno.org.