This past Saturday's Buder Park All Fly Day was well attended. There were 18 rocketeers to showed-up ready to pierce the sky. Of the 18 launching rockets 5 were accompanied by a parent. In all we had 82 launches. We had one Lego Conversion Challenge partipant, Joel Weston. Unfortunately, his two launch attempts of his Lego Rocket were unsuccessful, one due to faulty AeroTech engine prep and the other due to too long of a delay charge. On his first attempt, the engine cato'd just after ignition due to an o-ring being improperly placed on the engine nozzle end of the motor.. Fortunately, the damage was minimal. On his second attempt, the Lego rocket flew to perfection but the delay charge was too long on the Estes E-9 motor, causing the shock cord to separate from the booster due to the high velocity the rocket was traveling at the time of parachute deployment. I'm hoping Joel can Lego it back together and fly it at our October 1st Buder Park Launch.
I believe we had near equal number of spectators as participants. They were treated to two spectacular Launch Reenactments from my scale replica of Launch Pad Complex 39, Apollo 11 and Saturn/Skylab. GSLMA President Fred Cronenwett captured a great photo of the Saturn V lifting off the launch pad during the Apollo 11 Launch Reenactment.
Fred mentioned he took several photos during our event. Once he sends them to me, I'll be sure to post them on the SLRA website. Notice to all who attended All Fly Day - If have photos you took during the event and would like to share them, please email me your photos and I'll be sure to post them as well.
Secretary Dave Kovar