We are going to try and have a launch next weekend. Hopefully we can stay ahead of of the storms that are forecast for Sunday through next week.
Launch Director: Mike Walsh
Contact info: mrwalsh85@gmail.com
When: 3/23/2024, pending landowner permission.
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
If a cancellation is made, we will do our best to communicate by Friday evening.
Location: Elsberry, MO.
Our waiver will be open from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. The range may or may not remain open until 4:00 pm, depending on how many people attend and how many rockets we want to fly.
Our waiver is 6,000′ AGL with call-in windows to 14,000′ AGL.
Note: We would like to try to minimize impact to FAA traffic, so please email Mike Walsh if you will need a window for your flight so we can try to group the flights together.
The club equipment trailer should arrive at the field around 8:00 am for us to begin setup. We would greatly appreciate as much help as possible with setup and cleanup, so please plan to arrive early if you can.
We need a volunteer to bring the trailer to Elsberry by 8:00 AM the day of the launch. Please contact Mike Walsh if you can bring the trailer.
There will be neither food concessions nor restroom facilities at this site, but it is a ten minute drive into town for fuel, food and restroom.
Launch fees will be $0 for Low-Power Rockets (also called Model Rockets and class 1 rockets, with 1/4 A up to G80 engines) if you’re a PAID SLRA member, and $3 if you’re not a paid SLRA member; and $10 for High-Power Rockets up to an M motor. All fliers are required to fill out and sign a Tripoli waiver prior to flying, regardless of motor impulse.
We plan to have various sizes of launch pads set up, from the 1/8″ model rocket rods up to 1515 rails. If you have any special needs, such as the monster pad (M capable), please contact Mike Walsh as soon as possible so we can arrange to have the monster pad there.
If you are wanting to make any of the following flights, please reach out to Mike Walsh (contact info above) as soon as possible:
– a certification attempt, whether with NAR or TRA. Please include details such as Name, Certifying Agency, What level you want to attempt, and if you are wanting to do a L2 attempt, please indicate if you have already taken the test, or need to take it onsite.
– a multi-stage flight attempt that is not black powder (i.e. using composites and electronic staging) with details of your flight.
– If you are a SLI team in need of a flight attempt so we can understand the scope of your flights attempt prior to showing up at the field
– as mentioned above, a window for your flight ( Flights > 6,000′, and less than 14,000′)
As always, please be courteous to our hosts and respectful of their property, including driving slowly on all farm roads. If a driving path is unmarked, do not assume it is an approved driving path! Once we get on site, we will clarify where it is okay to drive and park. Do not attempt to drive on the field.
Launch site location and directions to field:
From the St. Louis area, take MO highway 79 north to its intersection with JJ. (If you get into the town of Elsberry itself, you’ve gone too far.) Turn right onto Old Highway 79, which is a gravel road. Old 79 will turn right again, but do not follow it – continue straight onto the farm road, across a wooden bridge (see map). From that point, follow the signs.