Fellow Rocketeers,
Plans for the Apollo 11 45th Anniversary Celebration are proceeding along at a much faster pace now that we are within double digit days of the event coming up on May 15 – 17. I am in need of volunteers for the following Events:
Saturday May 3rd
Significant items of note:
John Lakey has ordered the rocket kits and motors for the Precision Duration Model Rocket Competition. The Missouri Space Grant Consortium is picking up the tab for purchase of the Balsa Machining Bulk kits and Estes A8-3 engines.
The St. Louis Science Center is getting ready to send out the invite to regional middle schools for their participation in the Friday May 16th Education and Outreach Event at the St. Louis Science Center. Participation will be limited to 250 students. If you know of any area Middle Schools that would like to participate, let me know and I will forward the information off to John Lakey. This event will run from 10:00 am through 2:00 pm. The SLRA part will be from 10:00 – 10:40 putting on the launch demonstration of historic NASA manned space vehicles and the Apollo 11 Launch Reenactment. Besides the Saturn V launch, I am thinking we can also launch a Mercury Redstone, Little Joe II, Mercury Atlas, and Gemini Titan. Let me know if you have any of these rockets you would like to launch.
Initiations have been sent out to regional Boy and Cub Scout groups to seek their participation in the Saturday May 17th Apollo 11 45th Anniversary Celebration Precision Duration Competition. To date, three teams have registered. If you know of any Boy/Girl Scout groups who would be interested in participating in this competition, please let me know and I will forward them the information. This event will be held on May 17th from 9:30 – noon at the St. Louis Science Center Archery Field.
John Lake would also like SLRA to have a static display on hand at the Science Center during the Saturday event as well.
For the Apollo 11 45th Anniversary Celebration, there are three events that we will need club participation for:
Saturday May 3rd at Buder Park – Precision Duration Competition Pre-Launch Activity. This event will enable teams to come out and launch there rockets to test different recovery systems to see which one provides the best opportunity for a 30 second flight. Groups will need to provide their own motors. We provide the launch equipment, expertise and fun. I’m really looking forward to this event.
Friday May 16th from 8:00 – 11:00 am. Apollo 11 45th Anniversary Commemoration Education and Outreach Event at the St. Louis Science Center Archery Field. Most of this time is set-up and take-down. Our Scale Rocket Launch Demonstration and Apollo 11 Launch Reenactment event runs from 10:00-10:35. We will need help for set-up and testing of launch systems, rocket recovery, RSO, Launch Controller, at tear-down. This event will also include a presentation of colors by a local ROTC group, singing of the National Anthem by Anna Green (SLSC Education Director), Opening remarks by a local dignitary, a talk by Gene Kranz prior to the launch reenactment, and play of Stars and Stripes forever to end the event. It is going to be an awesome day!
Saturday May 17th from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm Boy/Girl Scout Precision Duration Model Rocket Competition and SLRA Static Display. This is the day we will need the most help with running the competition (rocket prep, RSO, launch Controller, launch Racks, Pre and post-flight check-in, results board, and timers) and the static display.
Please contact me to let me know if you can help out. I hope so see you all there!
Happy Rocketeering
Your New Club Vice President and Apollo 11 45th Anniversary Commemoration Event Director
(575) 312-2893