March 25th SLRA General Meeting Announcement

The Next SLRA Meeting/Build Session is next Tuesday, March 25th, at the Sunset Hills Bandana’s BBQ (11750 Gravois Rd, St. Louis, MO 63127) Coordinate 38.53096/-90.38616.

6:00 - 7:00 PM – Rocket Talk Social Hour/Dinner/Build Session
7:00 - ?:?? PM – SLRA Meeting
Post Meeting – More Rocket Talk and Build Session until 9:00 pm 

The meeting location is in the basement of the restaurant.  You’ll need to enter from the back of the restaurant.   We have lots of room to spread-out. There are lots of tables for enabling us to have a coincident Build Session. 

If you have a rocket project you’re working on, bring it to the meeting.  Be sure to bring a table cover (newspaper/poster board) and cutting board to prevent damage to tabletops.   

This is also a great opportunity to bring rocketry-related questions to ask seasoned Low to High Power Rocketeers who will be in attendance. Interested in Competition rocketry, those questions can be answered as well.

Schaefer’s Hobby is nearby as well.   They’re open till 6:00 pm. 

If you’re a member of SLRA and are registered on the website, you can view minutes of previous meetings from our website’s Meeting Minutes Page. The unresolved discussions from our previous meeting will be the basis of our “Old Business” discussion at Tuesday’s meeting.

Happy Rocketeering!!!

Secretary Dave

Tuesday February 25th SLRA Meeting at Sunset Hills Bandana’s BBQ

General SLRA Meeting/Build Session Announcement

The First SLRA Meeting/Build Session is this Tuesday February 25th, 2025 at the Sunset Hill Bandana’s BBQ (11750 Gravois Rd, St. Louis, MO 63127). 

The meeting location is in the basement of the restaurant.  You’ll need to enter from the back of the restaurant.   We have lots of room to spread-out. There are lots of tables for enabling us to have a coincident Build Session. 

If you have a rocket project you’re working on, bring it to the meeting.  Be sure to bring a table cover (newspaper/poster board) and cutting board to prevent damage to table tops.   

Schaefer’s Hobby is nearby as well.   They’re open till 6:00 pm. 

Restaurant Map
6:00 - 7:00 PM – Rocket Talk Social Hour/Dinner/Build Session
7:00 - ?:?? PM – SLRA Meeting
Post Meeting – More Rocket Talk and Build Session until 9:00 pm

If you’re a member of SLRA and are registered on the website, you can view minutes of previous meetings from our website’s Meeting Minutes Page, The unresolved discussions from our previous meeting will be the basis of our “Old Business” discussion at Tuesday’s meeting.

New Meeting Attendee Recognition
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
Treasury Status
Recognition of Achievements and Contributions
Members expenses
Recent/Upcoming Launch Events
Old Business
New Business

Post-Meeting Rocket Raffle

Please email
 if you have new business for the meeting.

SLRA 28 January Meeting Minutes

Attendees: (21) Chris Franklin, Jessica Fox, Charles Barnett, Dave Kovar, Doug Probst, Chuck Meckfessel, Emma Meckfessel, Molly Meckfessel, Don Hanson, Mike Walsh, Jason Garbus, Oliver Garbus, Dennis Tuchalski, Joel Weston, Larry Hileman, John Cella, John Buckley, Dave Deweese, Dave Pape, Nina Fischer, Estela Villa

Sunset Hills Bandana’s BBQ; 11750 Gravois Rd, Saint Louis, MO 63127

Called to order at 7:01 pm

New Attendees:  Nina Fischer & Estela Vila (Members of the Wash U Rocketry Club)

Achievements and Contributions:

  • Joel Weston: New SLRA Launch Badges complete with number of years as SLRA member, and current year of membership (2025)
  • Dave Pape reported SoSo now has a new home at the City Museum.  City Museum officials still unsure how to display SoSo.  Six different display scenarios are being considered.  Marvin the Martian Helmet was included in the donation.

26 November 2024 SLRA Meeting Minutes approved

Treasury Status

  • Current Balance $2,19538.31
  • Expenses: $55
  • Dave K has been reimbursement for NAR and Tripoli Youth Awards  $12.91 Print Paper, and $21.69 Award Frames,
  • Dave K has been reimbursement $160 for Buder Park Spooktacular fee.  Dave also paid club $70 for Tripoli Youth award initially paid and reimbursed to Doug Probst.
  • Other Expenses = $55
  • Deposits = $581.60

SLRA Memberships Total = 24

Launch Reports:

  • Jason and Oliver Garbus traveled to Tampa Florida to attend a High Power Launch there.  It was the final event at the Lauch Site due to housing encroachment.  Oliver had the first launch of the day.  Oliver and Jason launched an additional five rockets throughout the remainder of the day.

Upcoming Launches

  • Elsberry HP Launch 15 February and 8 March
  • Buder Park Launch 29 March
  • Central Illinois Aerospace HP Launches in Decator IL: 8, 22, and 29 March
  • NARAM 23-29 June in Muncie, Indiana
  • Midwest Power 7-9 November

Old Business

  • Website:  Joel and Doug are tag teaming on tracking 2025 membership registration through the website.  Joel is testing Club Express as a possible location for our website. Joel has scheduled time with a Club Express Representative to gain further familiarization with the platform. Membership tracking appears to be me with Club Express.  Communication is not so easy. 
  • Trailer Insurance:  Doug was not successful in obtaining insurance for the trailers.  SLRA President Chris Franklin was to continue efforts to obtain insurance for the trailers. Mike Walsh suggested establishing a Savings account for the trailer as a form of insurance.  Consider calling trailer as limited Liability Organization and the trailers as mobile Tool Rooms.
  • Mike Walsh reported Fire Extinguishers have been purchased for $250.  Jason Garbus my get discount for any additional Fire Extinguishers that need to be purchased.

New Business    

-   Doug Probst now has SLRA website administrative access

-   Motion made and approved to eliminate High Power Launch Fees for SLRA members.

-   Dave Kovar announced his retirement date of 4 July 2025.  He’ll be moving to Las       Cruces, NM upon retirement

Adjourned 7:45 pm

General SLRA Meeting/Build Session Announcement

The First SLRA Meeting/Build Session for 2025 is this Tuesday January 28th at the Sunset Hill Bandana’s BBQ (11750 Gravois Rd, St. Louis, MO 63127). The meeting location is in the basement of the restaurant.  You’ll need to enter from the back of the restaurant.   We have lots of room to spread-out. There are lots of tables for enabling us to have a coincident Build Session. 

If you have a rocket project you’re working on, bring it to the meeting.  Be sure to bring a table cover (newspaper/poster board) and cutting board to prevent damage to table tops.   

Schaefer’s Hobby is nearby as well.   They’re open till 6:00 pm. 

6:00 - 7:00 PM – Rocket Talk Social Hour/Dinner/Build Session
7:00 -?:?? PM – SLRA Meeting
Post Meeting – More Rocket Talk and Build Session until 9:00 pm

If you’re a member of SLRA and are registered on the website, you can view minutes of previous meetings from our website’s Meeting Minutes Page,

Hope to see you at the meeting!!

Happy Rocketeering!!

Secretary Dave


Final 2024 SLRA General Meeting This Tuesday November 26th

The final SLRA Meeting for 2024 is this Tuesday November 26th at the Sunset Hill Bandana’s BBQ (11750 Gravois Rd, St. Louis, MO 63127).  The meeting location is in the basement of the restaurant.  You’ll need to enter from the back of the restaurant.    If you have a rocket project you’re working on, bring it to the meeting.  Be sure to bring a table cover (newspaper/poster board) and cutting board to prevent damage to table tops.   

Schaefer’s Hobby is nearby as well.   They’re open till 6:00 pm. 

6:00 - 7:00 PM – Rocket Talk Social Hour/Dinner/Build Session
7:00 - ?:?? PM – SLRA Meeting
Post Meeting – More Rocket Talk and Build Session until 9:00 pm

If you’re a member of SLRA and are registered on the website, you can view minutes of previous meetings from our website’s Meeting Minutes Page, The unresolved discussions from our previous meeting will be the basis of our “Old Business” discussion at Tuesday’s meeting.

New Meeting Attendee Recognition

Recognition of First Timers
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
Recognition of Achievements and Contributions

Treasury Status

Members expenses
Recent/Upcoming Launch Events
Old Business
New Business


If you have new business for the meeting.

Post Meeting Activities

Emma and Molly Meckfessel’s Birthday Celebration

Rocket Raffle


SLRA Meeting Tuesday 22 October at Sunset Hills Bandana’s BBQ

The final SLRA meeting for 2024 is Tuesday 22 October at the Sunset Hill Bandana’s BBQ (11750 Gravois Rd, St. Louis, MO 63127).

The meeting location is in the basement of the restaurant. You’ll need to enter from the back of the restaurant. We have lots of room to spread-out. There are lots of tables for enabling us to have a coincident Build Session.

If you have a rocket project you’re working on, bring it to the meeting. Be sure to bring a table cover (newspaper/poster board) and cutting board to prevent damage to table tops.

Schaefer’s Hobby is nearby as well. They’re open till 6:00 pm.

6:00 - 7:00 PM – Rocket Talk Social Hour/Dinner/Build Session
7:00 - ?:?? PM – SLRA Meeting
Post Meeting – More Rocket Talk and Build Session until 9:00 pm

If you’re a member of SLRA and are registered on the website, you can view minutes of previous meetings from our website’s Meeting Minutes Page, The unresolved discussions from our previous meeting will be the basis of our “Old Business” discussion at Tuesday’s meeting.

New Meeting Attendee Recognition
Recognition of First Time
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
Recognition of Achievements and Contributions
Treasury Status
Members expenses
Recent/Upcoming Launch Events
Old Business
New Business

Rocket Raffle

Email If you have new business for the meeting.

SLRA Meeting Announcement: Tuesday September 24th, 2024

General SLRA Meeting/Build Session Announcement

The First SLRA Meeting/Build Session is this Tuesday September 24th, 2024 at the Sunset Hill Bandana’s BBQ (11750 Gravois Rd, St. Louis, MO 63127). 

The meeting location is in the basement of the restaurant.  You’ll need to enter from the back of the restaurant.   We have lots of room to spread-out. There are lots of tables for enabling us to have a coincident Build Session. 

If you have a rocket project you’re working on, bring it to the meeting.  Be sure to bring a table cover (newspaper/poster board) and cutting board to prevent damage to table tops.   

Schaefer’s Hobby is nearby as well.   They’re open till 6:00 pm. 

Restaurant Map
6:00 - 7:00 PM – Rocket Talk Social Hour/Dinner/Build Session
7:00 - ?:?? PM – SLRA Meeting
Post Meeting – More Rocket Talk and Build Session until 9:00 pm

If you’re a member of SLRA and are registered on the website, you can view minutes of previous meetings from our website’s Meeting Minutes Page, The unresolved discussions from our previous meeting will be the basis of our “Old Business” discussion at Tuesday’s meeting.

New Meeting Attendee Recognition

Recognition of First Time
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
Recognition of Achievements and Contributions

Treasury Status

Members expenses
Recent/Upcoming Launch Events
Old Business
New Business

Don Hanson Rocket Raffle

Email If you have new business for the meeting.

All Systems go for Saturday June 22 SLRA Summer Solstice Night Lunch Event

Due to expected heat, the start time has been changed to 7:00 pm. The range will be open from 7:00-11:00 pm. Set-up is 6:30-7:00 pm. Rain precipitation Chance is 8%. Winds are predicted to be S/SW at 11mph at 7:00 pm and decreasing to 8mph by 11pm, Opportune launch location is the RC Pavillion. Hopefully any RCers who are there when we arrive will grant us the opportunity to use the pavilion space for our event.