I'm combining a few announcements into one, so this post will be a bit longer than usual. Please read all the way to the end, as there is important information about our upcoming election.
But first off - SLRA has our regular model rocket launch scheduled for this Saturday, July 27th, at Buder Park. We've seen some recent photos from Buder that indicate that there is still some standing water on the field from the recent flooding, and this is also the opening day for NARAM and we will have some of our regular crew out of town. My plan is to go to Buder on Tuesday before our meeting to check on the field conditions, and then discuss at the meeting whether we want to go forward with a launch. Please stay tuned to the website and / or email list for an update.
Leading smoothly into: SLRA is having our regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, July 23rd, at our regular meeting location:
Fallon's Bar & Grill
9200 Olive Blvd. #116
Olivette, Missouri, 63132
The room will be available at 6:00 PM and the business meeting will start at about 7:00PM. Please email admin@stlouisrocketry.com if you have new business for the meeting.
Finally: it is time once again for SLRA to hold its annual election for directors and officers. Per SLRA's bylaws, we have between three and nine directors with the tally always being an odd number (traditionally seven) and four officers selected from among the directors: president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Also by tradition, the Tripoli prefect and NAR section head are among the directors, although our bylaws do not require this and they simply run as regular candidates for the director positions. To simplify the process, we will hold a single election wherein the membership present at the meeting cast a vote for each of the officer positions in conjunction with a director seat, and then vote for three additional directors.
Our incumbents are: David Kovar (president and director), Jack Oney (vice-president and director), Dan Crank (secretary and director), Don Hanson (treasurer and director), John Buckley (NAR section head and director), Dan Welling (Tripoli prefect and director) and Rodney Riederer (director).
Jack Oney is no longer active in the hobby, and will run as a candidate for vice president. I (Dan Crank) would also like to hand the secretary job over to someone new, so I do not plan to run as a candidate for secretary unless no other candidate can be found. So we do have a need for some new people to step up to fill these posts.
The duties of the president include acting as the spokesperson of the club to media, other organizations, and the public, and coordinating special events in which SLRA is involved. Incumbent David Kovar is running for re-election to the office of president.
The vice-president has the same duties as the president, acting to assist the president or in cases when the president is not available. We do not currently have any candidate for vice-president.
The secretary is responsible for preparing the agenda for and keeping the minutes of club meetings, handling the legal filing requirements for our nonprofit status (these are minor), and managing communication with the club and the public, which is mostly done via email, our website, Facebook and Twitter. We do not currently have any candidate for secretary.
The treasurer is responsible for managing the club's bank account, taking receipt of income and making payments where necessary. Don Hanson is running for re-election to the office of treasurer.
If you would like to contribute to the management of the club, please consider running for office. If you would like more detailed information about the requirements, or if you would like to run for an office and have your name printed on the ballot, please email admin@stlouisrocketry.com.