Buder Park model rocket launch – Saturday, July 28th

Our next model rocket launch is scheduled for this coming Saturday, July 28th at Buder Park. The current forecast is for mostly cloudy skies, light winds, and a high temperature of 81 - much better than last month! The rain that was previously forecast for Saturday afternoon appears to have been pushed to Sunday, but we'll still keep an eye on it.

We'll still start setup at 8:00 am and should have the range open by 8:30 if not earlier.

If you have any questions, please email admin@stlouisrocketry.com.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018 General Membership Meeting Announcement

SLRA is having our regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, July 24th, at our regular meeting location:

Fallon's Bar & Grill
9200 Olive Blvd. #116
Olivette, Missouri, 63132

The room will be available at 6:00 PM and the business meeting will start at about 7:00PM.

If you're a member of SLRA and are registered on the website, you can view minutes of previous meetings here: Meeting Minutes Page, The meeting minutes will be the basis of our "old business" discussion.

The standard agenda for all meetings is as follows:

1. Treasury Status.

2. Recognition of Achievements

3. Recognition of Contributions

4. Members expenses.

5. Old Business - please review minutes for last month's meeting for topics

6. New Business

Online and paper membership forms with payments received by mail to be processed by treasurer and president.

Please email admin@stlouisrocketry.com if you have new business for the meeting.

Buder Park model rocket launch – Saturday, June 30

Our next model rocket launch is scheduled for this coming Saturday, June 30th at Buder Park. Please note that this is a change from the originally announced date of July 1.

The weather forecast calls for light winds and a high temperature of 97. Right now, it shows the heat index exceeding 90 degrees before 9:00 am. As we have done in the past, we will be moving our setup time to 8:00 am to try to beat the heat a little bit. Also - we will likely be packing things up by 11:00 or thereabouts, so please plan accordingly. We do not (as far as I know) have any student groups joining us this month. Please come prepared with sunscreen and a way to stay hydrated.

As previously announced by John Buckley, this launch will be sanctioned as a NAR NRC (National Rocketry Competition) launch. Link to official NRC launch information. If you have any questions about the competition aspect of the launch, please contact John at jbuckley1996@gmail.com. Please note - if you are a competitor and would like to continue competition launches after the sport range closes (we know how great those thermals are when it's a thousand degrees out!) please make sure you bring your own launch equipment.

If you have any other questions, please email me at admin@stlouisrocketry.com.


SLRA June meeting – social meeting only

Due to the absence of the majority of the club officers, there will be no formal business meeting at Fallon's tomorrow.

However, please feel free to come to Fallon's for dinner and to socialize, discuss your projects and whatnot.

Please email me at admin@stlouisrocketry.com if you have any questions.

Fallon's Bar & Grill
9200 Olive Blvd. #116
Olivette, Missouri, 63132

Dan Crank
Secretary, St. Louis Rocketry Association

Tuesday, June 26, 2018 General Membership Meeting Announcement

SLRA is having our regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, June 26th, at our regular meeting location:

Fallon's Bar & Grill
9200 Olive Blvd. #116
Olivette, Missouri, 63132

The room will be available at 6:00 PM and  the business meeting will start at about 7:00PM.

If you're a member of SLRA and are registered on the website, you can view minutes of previous meetings here: Meeting Minutes Page, The meeting minutes will be the basis of our "old business" discussion.

The standard agenda for all meetings is as follows:

1. Treasury Status.

2. Recognition of Achievements

3. Recognition of Contributions

4. Members expenses.

5. Old Business - please review minutes for last month's meeting for topics

6. New Business

Online and paper membership forms with payments received by mail to be processed by treasurer and president.

Please email admin@stlouisrocketry.com if you have new business for the meeting.

NRC Contest launches for remainder of 2018 contest year, edited

I made an error on this post, I have scheduled the NRC contest for JUNE 23-24 NOT SEPTEMBER>  I plan to fly this Saturday OR Sunday depending on weather.


John B.



Just to let everyone know I have scheduled NRC contests for Buder Park Sept 23/24 and at the regular club launch on June 30th.  I plan to start at 9 AM and it will be 1 day Saturday or Sunday depending on weather,  June 30th is the last day of the contest year.

I will also run an NRC in Springfield for this weekend, June 16th.  I also have one set for the same weekend in Buder park but I plan to abandon that one.

We will have at least 1 out of town participant for June 23/24.  If you want to come out and attempt to qualify or just to help with timing it would be appreciated.

Thanks, John Buckley

Buder Park model rocket launch – Saturday May 26

Our next model rocket launch is scheduled for this coming Saturday, May 26th at Buder Park. The weather forecast calls for very light winds and a high temperature of 90, so it should be a good day for flying! Please come prepared with sunscreen and a way to stay hydrated.

Setup time will be 9:00 am, with the goal of having the range open by 9:30. We will fly rockets for as long as people are there with rockets to fly, but as always, the length of the event depends on how many people attend. The Civil Air Patrol cadets from Scott AFB are planning to join us again, so we should have a good turnout!

As previously announced by John Buckley, this launch will be sanctioned as a NAR NRC (National Rocketry Competition) launch. Link to official NRC launch information. If you have any questions about the competition aspect of the launch, please contact John at jbuckley1996@gmail.com. Sport flyers (non-competition flyers) are welcome at the launch as always.

If you have any other questions, please email me at admin@stlouisrocketry.com.
