Happy New Year from SLRA!

Happy new year, everyone!

I've done a little work on the website, which included updating our membership forms for 2018. If you would like to join or renew your existing membership, you can find all the information at http://dmortproductions.com/stlrocketry by clicking on the "Join SLRA" menu.

SLRA Membership is $25.00 per calendar year, which not only supports the club but also entitles you to fly for free at our model rocket launches (normally $3) and with reduced or waived launch fees at our high-power launches. (High-power launch fees are set per launch and can depend on whether the club incurs additional expense to hold the launch, such as for restroom facilities; typically the fee is $10.)

We do not charge extra for family memberships - one individual membership covers everyone in the immediate family. (Similarly, launch fees for kids are free if a parent or guardian has paid.)

You'll have noticed that it's a bit cold out, so we're not planning any launches for a bit - don't feel like you have to rush. I'll send out another dues reminder before our first launch. Please email me at admin@stlouisrocketry.com if you have any questions.

Dan Crank
Secretary, St. Louis Rocketry Association

October Fly XVI Update, October 21-22

October Fly this year will be held October 21-22, at Buder Park.

Contest events:

1/4A Altitude (altimeter)

1/2A PD*


1/2A BG*

1/2A HD

Predicted duration

*NRC event

This contest will be sanctioned as an NRC competition, three of the NRC events are on the events list.  All NRC events may be flown at this meet.  Contestants wishing to fly A payload or C ELA must provide their own NAR compliant payloads and eggs.  Stopwatches will be available.

Contest hours will be 10AM to 5PM Saturday and 9AM to 3PM Sunday.  The contest will end promptly at 3PM Sunday.

John Buckley

October Fly XVI

OK, I propose we hold October Fly XVI on October 21-22. I will sanction this as an NRC (National Rocketry Competition) meet. We will conduct October Fly WITHIN the NRC sanction. If you have any events you'd like to suggest be included let me know. NRC includes the following contest events: 1/2A PD, 1/2A BG, C ELA, A HD, A SD, and A PAY. I propose choosing OF events from this list.

For location we can stick with Buder park unless we can get one of our high power launches to line up with this.

How does this sound?

John B.

St. Louis Space Frontier event this Saturday, July 22

We are passing this along on behalf of St. Louis Space Frontier - the TARC world champion Festus High School Rocket Club will be guests at their July meeting, which is open to the public. Details below:

It is too hot outside, so you are invited inside to attend St. Louis Space Frontier's July meeting! Meet the Festus Rocket Team, winner of the June 2017 International Rocketry Challenge in Paris, and hear about their high-flying adventures. Enjoy fire-y snacks! Learn about Thermionic Emission as presented by Dabney Tolson.


Saturday, July 22
12:15pm Oak Bend Library
842 S Holmes Ave, Saint Louis, MO
(please note that we are NOT holding this meeting at WashU)

Be "social" and RSVP on Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Saint-Louis-Space-Frontier-Meetup/events/241770978/ Or just show up!

Please forward this message to others who are interested in rockets and rocket propulsion! Hope to see you and your friends and family on Saturday!

To learn more about the teams' big win see: http://www.stltoday.com/lifestyles/columns/joe-holleman/festus-high-rocket-club-wins-world-championship-in-paris/article_3d34e46f-2e9c-5eb0-a969-6ecc5e7da1c6.html


Heavy Metal-II, June 10-11, 2017 in Walnut Grove

We have finalized the list of contest events for this regional. They are:

G Helicopter duration (NARAM 59 event)
C Altitude (Altimeter tracked, NARAM 59 event)
A Boost Glide
A Parachute duration
A Streamer duration
Set Duration, 55 sec target

Hope to see a contingent from SLRA attend. I will also work on setting up a group hotel. It won't be the Lamplighter most likely, I'll try to get something a little cheaper.

John Buckley