Information for Teeniemunde Launch in Walnut Grove, Nov. 7

A launch co-sponsored by Tripoli Mo-Kan and St. Louis Rocketry Association at the Teeniemunde launch site (the site of next year's NARAM 58) is set for this Saturday, November 7 (weather permitting). We expect the range to be open and ready for flyers around 12:00 noon. Launch equipment for model rockets, mid-power rockets and high-power rockets will be available.

Maps to the launch site are linked below, or use this Google Maps link.



Tripoli Range Guidelines

Tripoli Rocketry Association has released a new Range Guidelines document to supplement the High Power and Research Safety Codes. The current version (1.2) of this document is provided here for our members' reference. It details everyone's responsibilities for conducting a safe Tripoli launch, including those of the individual flyer, so it's a good idea for everyone to take a look at this.

The original document, including any future updates, can be found in the Safety Code section of the Tripoli website:

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October Fly XIV update

At this point we have 9 people who are due to come to the contest, so we need one more to make it a regional.  So, if you are an NAR member and can show up either Saturday or Sunday at Buder Park for a contest flight I'd appreciate it.   You can fly any rocket any motor in the Random duration event.

So, please help out if you can.

John Buckley

Elsberry High Power Launch THIS SATURDAY!

It's short notice, but the club was recently informed that the crops are out early at the Elsberry farm, and with the recent dry weather we have good conditions to use the field. Since we have not been able to have a high-power launch in quite some time, we decided to take the opportunity.

Launch fees for this launch are $10 for high power and $5 for model rocket fliers. All fliers, for both high power and model rockets, must be either an NAR or Tripoli member for insurance purposes - there are no exceptions to this rule. TRA / NAR membership cards will be verified at the RSO table during flier registration. Non-TRA/NAR members always welcome as spectators but must remain in the spectator areas; non-TRA/NAR spectators will also be required to sign a liability release.

Only level 1 NAR or Tripoli members will be allowed in the launch preparation area. All other fliers must be escorted in the launch prep area or to the actual launch pads by a SLRA member.

The FAA waiver at Elsberry allows us to fly to 6000 feet MSL (5500 feet AGL) with windows available on demand during the day of the launch to 15000 MSL (14500 feet AGL).

Setup will start at approximately 9:00 am, and launches will start at approximately 10:00 am. There is not a fixed end time. Please consider arriving early to help with setup or staying to help clean up afterwards, if you can.

Directions to launch site: from I-70, take MO state highway 79 approximately 30 miles north to the intersection of state highway JJ, just before reaching the town of Elsberry. Turn right, proceed across the railroad tracks and continue straight onto the dirt road into the field. You will cross a small bridge and pass a lagoon on your left; from this point you should be able to see the launch site. If you have difficulty finding us, please call Dan Crank at (314) 630-7619.

October Fly XIV

OK, October Fly will be this weekend, Saturday and Sunday. I know that the club is considering a launch at Elsberry. I don't want to stand in the way of that as we have few chances at getting on that field. However, if you are a NAR member please consider entering the contest by proxy if you are not coming in person. I just need a signed CB170 and a rocket to fly. I will have forms at the Tuesday meeting. Also there will be prizes courtesy of Andy Jackson of Aerospace Specialty Products!

John Buckley

Tuesday, October 13, 2015 General Membership Meeting Announcement

SLRA is having our regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, October 13th, at our  meeting location: Google Map Link

Bandana's Bbq Sunset Hills
11750 Gravois Road
Sunset Hills, Missouri, 63127

We are continuing to meet at  Bandana’s BBQ Sunset Hills. Even though Bandana’s Sunset Hills doesn’t have a minimum food purchase, we are encouraging members to purchase something to support the use of the room. We have the room from 6:30 to 9:00 and we’ll need to leave promptly since 9 pm is the closing time.

The room will be available at 6:30 PM and  the business meeting will start at about 7:00PM. We'll need to be out of the room by 9:00 PM (closing).

If you're a member of SLRA and are registered on the website, you can view minutes of previous meetings here: Meeting Minutes Page, The meeting minutes will be the basis of our "old business" discussion.

The standard agenda for all meetings is as follows:

1. Treasury Status.

2. Recognition of Achievements

3. Recognition of Contributions

4. Members expenses.

5. Old Business - please review minutes for last month's meeting for topics

6. New Business

Online and paper membership forms with payments received by mail to be processed by treasurer and president.

Please comment on this post or email if you have new business for the meeting.

Launch Status for Saturday, September 12

At tonight's meeting, the upcoming Buder Park launch was discussed. Of all of the members present, no one had plans to attend (except for me, since I'm the one who needs to bring the launch equipment to the park).

Therefore - if you are receiving this email or seeing this post via the SLRA website or Facebook page and you DO want to fly rockets at Buder Park, please email me as soon as possible at Please also include the time you are planning to attend. If we have at least a few people who want to fly rockets, and can get everyone there at the same time, we will go ahead with the launch, but if there is no interest, we will cancel.

Dan Crank