We're passing this along from the Columbia Rocket Club:
The Columbia Rocket Club is calling a High Power Rocket Launch for this upcoming Saturday December the 9th from 12 noon to 5pm. We may shut down early if all rockets have been flown. We have 10,000ft AGL and a large recovery area. Anyone flying L or larger contact me in advance. Infrastructure will allow rod to 1/2 inch and 1010/1015 rail.
If it rains Friday night the field could be wet but it has been pretty dry and there is only a 50% chance of rain for Friday and very little change Saturday. Sunday will be too cold so this could be our last chance for 2023 to launch.
Mark Grant
Directions: We begin our instructions at the 151/22 intersection in Centralia, Missouri (I take Route B up from Columbia. B becomes 124 which becomes 151 as you cross 22.) At the intersection you head North. You come to a curve that turns you 90 degrees to the left (you are now heading West). Not much further and you see EE which you take right (you are headed North again). In 4-5 miles you see 124 where you take right (you are headed East). We will be on the side of the road about 1/2 mile down this road. Stay on the road. No driving in the field.
Day of the launch only I am on my cell 573-881-0122. Email me the rest of the time (markgrant@socket.net). Texting is fine if my phone is on.