Elsberry High Power Launch #1 scheduled for March 22

Since the weather conditions continue to be favorable (i.e., we have not had any significant rain this week), we are planning to hold a high-power launch at the Elsberry launch site on Saturday, March 22. I have been informed that the waiver will be open at 10:00 am, but if you would like to arrive slightly earlier to help set up equipment, I am sure your help would be welcomed.

If I get any additional details about a specific setup time or a pre-launch breakfast get-together, I will add them to this post, but I wanted to get the word out that we are planning for Saturday.

As always: please check this website for updates, up to and including the morning of the launch.

UPDATE: A few of us are planning to get to the site around 8:30 to start setting up and possibly get breakfast*.

(* - Breakfast not guaranteed, your mileage may vary, offer void in Maryland.)

Reminder: RSVP Form For March/April 2014 SLRA Launches Is Now Available

A second RSVP form for Elsberry spring launch dates was published on March 13 (see previous post), since we ran through all of the dates on the first form without getting a launch in. If you are planning to join us for an upcoming Elsberry launch, please fill out the new form, even if you filled out the first (February/March) form. We have current RSVPs from Dan Adcock, Larry Terneus, Dan Welling, Mike Walsh, and me - thank you for the information! There were several other people who responded on the February/March form, from whom we haven't heard from on the new form, and it helps us with planning to know how many people want to fly and which days they can attend.

Please respond, ESPECIALLY if you are able to fly this weekend. At this point, the weather situation looks promising. We are hopeful that we are going to run a launch this weekend but have not yet determined whether it will be Saturday or Sunday. As always, please watch this website for updates.

P.S.: I have neglected to update the calendar on this website as we've been moving the launch date. I apologize if this has caused confusion. To clarify: we have not had suitable weather conditions for a high-power launch so far this year, and our next potential launch dates are March 22 OR March 23 (not both).

RSVP Form For March/April 2014 SLRA Launches Is Now Available

The RSVP form for Spring 2014 launches has been re-published with dates in March and April. If you plan to attend one of our high-power launches, please fill out the form to let us know when you can come and what you would like to do at the launch. We will use the data to help us choose the best days to schedule a launch since our group is small, and we are so dependent on volunteers to make the launches successful. If we receive poor response, we will likely cancel any scheduled launches so this is the best way to avoid that situation. We can operate under regular commercial launch rules, or research rules and it is very important that potential research fliers fill in their preferences so that we can insure the launch is setup for research rules (and that we have the right people available for research fliers!). Spectators are always welcome at our launches and do not have to be members. If you are a spectator, it would be a good idea to fill out a form so that we can contact you directly if the launch must be canceled.

Please fill out the new form covering the new dates even if you submitted the previous form with the February/March dates.

The form is available at this link.

Thanks for filling a form out!

Spring launch #1 postponed to no earlier than March 22

Due to the heavy rain Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, it is still too wet to access the Elsberry launch field this weekend.  As many of you know, there is a strong possibility of damaging the gravel roads around the field if we go in when it is very muddy.  Our next opportunity to launch will be the following weekend, March 22-23.  Please continue to watch this site for schedule updates, particularly before traveling to Elsberry on launch day.

Notes From the General Membership Meeting – Tuesday, March 11, 2014

We voted for the rewritten 2014 bylaws which were adopted with 1 absentee ballot and unanimous vote of all members present. The bylaws are now in effect and can be viewed at the member's bylaws and meeting minutes page on the web site.

David Kovar briefed the membership on the upcoming Apollo 11 event in May. He'll provide detailed status on the web site, but he confirmed that there will be a volunteer's dinner for Gene and Marta Kranz at the Moonrise Hotel on Wednesday, May 14, 2014 and we are invited to attend. The dinner will be about $30 per person and Dave passed a signup sheet at the meeting. Volunteers will be needed for a May 3rd practice launch at Buder, and at the Science Center Friday May 16, and Saturday May 17th.

The field owner at Elsberry indicated that the conditions were ok as of Tuesday night for Saturday if we don't get any rain. Unfortunately,  it seems there was significant rain over night. Dan Welling will contact the landowner on Thursday for final determination.

Thanks to everyone who attended.



Tuesday March 11, 2014 General Membership Meeting Announcement

Next Meeting: SLRA is having our regular monthly meeting on Tuesday
evening, February 11th, at our new meeting location: Google Map Link

Bandana's Bbq Sunset Hills
11750 Gravois Road
Sunset Hills, Missouri, 63127

We are continuing to meet at  Bandana’s BBQ Sunset Hills. Lets us know what you think about meeting at this location. Even though Bandana’s Sunset Hills doesn’t have a minimum food purchase, we are encouraging members to purchase something to support the use of the room. We have the room from 6:30 to 9:00 and we’ll need to leave promptly since 9 pm is the closing time.


The room will be available at 6:30 PM and  the business meeting will start at about 7:00PM. We'll need to be out of the room by 9:00 PM (closing).

If you're a member of SLRA, the meeting minutes from the February meeting will be available here: Meeting Minutes Page,

Membership dues  (and forms) are due for 2014 SLRA memberships.  Please consider using PayPal for paying dues this year. Thanks! The new bylaws will be voted on at the meeting. You can review them if you are a current member at the  Meeting Minutes Page, The membership list has been updated for 2014 so those who haven't renewed by March 1st 2014 have been updated to guest status. An on line bylaws proxy vote ballot will be available to fill out for those members who can't attend Tuesday's meeting.

The standard agenda for all meetings is as follows:

1. Treasury Status.

2. Recognition of Achievements

3. Recognition of Contributions

4. Members expenses.

5. Old Business - please review minutes for last month's meeting for topics

6. New Business

On line and paper membership forms with payments received by mail  to be processed by treasurer and president.

Please comment on this post or email me at heyno@heino.com if you have new business for the meeting.

Heino Pull
SLRA Secretary

Spring launch #1 postponed to no earlier than March 15

Due to continuing ground thaw and snow melt, it will not be possible to access the Elsberry launch field this weekend.  As many of you know, there is a strong possibility of damaging the gravel roads around the field if we go in when it is very muddy.  Our next opportunity to launch will be the following weekend, March 15-16.  Please continue to watch this site for schedule updates, particularly before traveling to Elsberry on launch day.

Spring launch #1 postponed to no earlier than March 8

Due to continued cold temperatures and possibility of more snow, sleet and freezing rain this weekend, we have decided to postpone the spring launch for another week and hope for better weather next weekend.  Our next opportunity to launch will be March 8-9.  Please continue to watch this site for schedule updates, particularly before traveling to Elsberry on launch day.

May 16 – 17 Apollo 11 45th Anniversary Commemoration Update

Fellow Rocketeers,

Plans for the Apollo 11 45th Anniversary Celebration are proceeding along at a much faster pace now that we are within double digit days of the event coming up on May 15 – 17.  I am in need of volunteers for the following Events:

Saturday May 3rd

Significant items of note:

John Lakey has ordered the rocket kits and motors for the Precision Duration Model Rocket Competition.  The Missouri Space Grant Consortium is picking up the tab for purchase of the Balsa Machining Bulk kits and Estes A8-3 engines. 

The St. Louis Science Center is getting ready to send out the invite to regional middle schools for their participation in the Friday May 16th Education and Outreach Event at the St. Louis Science Center.  Participation will be limited to 250 students.  If you know of any area Middle Schools that would like to participate, let me know and I will forward the information off to John Lakey.  This event will run from 10:00 am through 2:00 pm.  The SLRA part will be from 10:00 – 10:40 putting on the launch demonstration of historic NASA manned space vehicles and the Apollo 11 Launch Reenactment.  Besides the Saturn V launch, I am thinking we can also launch a Mercury Redstone, Little Joe II, Mercury Atlas, and Gemini Titan.  Let me know if you have any of these rockets you would like to launch.

Initiations have been  sent out to regional Boy and Cub Scout groups to seek their participation in the Saturday May 17th Apollo 11 45th Anniversary Celebration Precision Duration Competition.  To date, three teams have registered.  If you know of any Boy/Girl Scout groups who would be interested in participating in this competition, please let me know and I will forward them the information.  This event will be held on May 17th from 9:30 – noon at the St. Louis Science Center Archery Field.

John Lake would also like SLRA to have a static display on hand at the Science Center during the Saturday event as well. 

For the Apollo 11 45th Anniversary Celebration, there are three events that we will need club participation for:

Saturday May 3rd at Buder Park – Precision Duration Competition Pre-Launch Activity.  This event will enable teams to come out and launch there rockets to test different recovery systems to see which one provides the best opportunity for a 30 second flight.  Groups will need to provide their own motors.  We provide the launch equipment, expertise and fun.  I’m really looking forward to this event.

Friday May 16th from 8:00 – 11:00 am.  Apollo 11 45th Anniversary Commemoration Education and Outreach Event at the St. Louis Science Center Archery Field.  Most of this time is set-up and take-down.  Our Scale Rocket Launch Demonstration and Apollo 11 Launch Reenactment event runs from 10:00-10:35.  We will need help for set-up and testing of launch systems, rocket recovery, RSO, Launch Controller, at tear-down.  This event will also include a presentation of colors by a local ROTC group, singing of the National Anthem by Anna Green (SLSC Education Director), Opening remarks by a local dignitary, a talk by Gene Kranz prior to the launch reenactment, and play of Stars and Stripes forever to end the event.  It is going to be an awesome day!

Saturday May 17th from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm Boy/Girl Scout Precision Duration Model Rocket Competition and SLRA Static Display.  This is the day we will need the most help with running the competition (rocket prep, RSO, launch Controller, launch Racks, Pre and post-flight check-in, results board, and timers) and the static display. 

Please contact me to let me know if you can help out.  I hope so see you all there! 

Happy Rocketeering

Your New Club Vice President and Apollo 11 45th Anniversary Commemoration Event Director

(575) 312-2893

Spring launch #1 postponed to no earlier than March 1

Due to heavy rain today and continuing snow melt, it will not be possible to access the Elsberry launch field this weekend.  As many of you know, there is a strong possibility of damaging the gravel roads around the field if we go in when it is very muddy.  Our next opportunity to launch will be the following weekend, March 1-2.  Please continue to watch this site for schedule updates, particularly before traveling to Elsberry on launch day.