Tuesday January 14 General Membership Meeting Announcement

Next Meeting: SLRA is having our regular monthly meeting on Tuesday
evening, January 14th, at our new meeting location: Google Map Link

Bandana's Bbq Sunset Hills
11750 Gravois Road
Sunset Hills, Missouri, 63127

We are continuing to meet at  Bandana’s BBQ Sunset Hills. Lets us know what you think about meeting at this location. Even though Bandana’s Sunset Hills doesn’t have a minimum food purchase, we are encouraging members to purchase something to support the use of the room. We have the room from 6:30 to 9:00 and we’ll need to leave promptly since 9 pm is the closing time.


The room will be available at 6:30 PM and  the business meeting will start at about 7:00PM. We'll need to be out of the room by 9:00 PM (closing).

If you're a member of SLRA, the meeting minutes from the December meeting will be available here: Meeting Minutes Page,

We need volunteers for SRLA office and nominations.  If you can't make tomorrows meeting, please email your nominations (for yourself or others to heyno@heino.com before tomorrow nights meeting.

Membership dues  (and forms) are due for 2014 SLRA memberships. A new form is ready for use, but we need to confirm the dues for 2014 at tomorrows meeting. Please consider using PayPal for paying dues this year. Thanks!


Topics for discussion at the January 2014 Meeting (partial list - filled as items come up).

1. Treasury Status.

2. Recognition of Achievements

3. Recognition of Contributions

4. Members expenses.
5. Membership dues for 2014 - same as last year?

6. Nominations for SLRA officers

7. SLRA Officer elections

8. Launch schedule for spring 2014
8.1 NAR insurance and Buder Park status

9. Status of May Science Center Event (D. Kovar)

10. Process for bylaw update


New Business?


On line and paper membership forms with payments received by mail  to be processed by treasurer and president.

Please comment on this post or email me at heyno@heino.com if you have anything to add, or questions or comments.

Heino Pull
SLRA Secretary

Weather Forces Cancellation of the December 21/22 Launch Dates at Elsberry

It was a slim hope, but with the melting of snow today and large amount of rain forecast for Elsberry Friday and Saturday, there is no way we can hold a launch this weekend. We will regroup in 2014 after our next meeting, when we will establish the spring launch schedule. We traditionally have not planned launches in January due to the historically bad weather. There will be a "bring your own equipment" launch scheduled at Buder Park for the third Saturday in January. More details for this launch will be provided.

Notes From Last Nights (Tuesday November 10, 2013) Membership Meeting

There were 10 members in attendance.

David Kovar reported on the Challenger Learning Center Event on November 11.  It was very successful with 500 people or so attending. Look for a separate post with Dave's report on the event.

A poll of the group for officer nominations was held and the officers present (Don Hanson - treasurer, Ken Gianino - vice president, Heino Pull - secretary) all indicated they would be willing to serve again. Dan Welling - equipment officer and Rodney Riederer - president weren't able to make it last night. No other nominations were made. The nominations process continues to the January meeting and anyone interested in serving or nominating another individual is welcome to email me or leave a comment on the web site. Elections will be held at the January meeting.

Our next launch is planned for Sunday November 15.  The weather again comes into play because of the possible snow towards the end of the week. If the ground is wet, freezing on Sunday may make it possible to fly without damaging the roads. Two to four inches of snow is currently forecast for north of St. Louis and too much snow may make it difficult to find the dirt roads and drive  to our normal launch position. Also Dan Welling, who normally tows the trailer, has had a truck problem and cannot tow this weekend. Mike Walsh has offered to tow or transport equipment to fill in. The temperature is going to be cold  (freezing or colder) so it will be a challenge to fly. The group decided to try to gather earlier rather than later and limit the launch to 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. It would be better to arrive sooner than later for those attending. Our Tripoli Prefect - Rob Chapie, will be attending so it will be possible to have Tripoli certifications. This will be a difficult launch due to the temperature so be sure to dress warm if the launch does happen. Dan will be contacting the land owner to see if we can fly on Sunday and it is always possible that snow will make it difficult to drive on the field. Be sure to check the web site before leaving for the launch.

Rob Chapie reported that our FAA waiver is good for 2014 launches.

Thanks to all who attended and please comment or email me if you have any questions.


October Fly Contest Results 10/26/2013

Here are the results of the October 26 2013 October Fly Contest passed on by John Buckley.

October Fly XII Meet Champions


Place Contestant NAR Number Section Total Points
A Division
2 Stenberg, Alyssa 87476 IND 1764
B Division
1 Stafford, colin 93446 IND 744
2 WESSELS, KADE 95071 IND 600
C Division
1 stenberg, jon 33875 IND 1800
2 vinyard, keith 24568 IND 1416
3 buckley, john 62317 IND 1152
4 woebkenberg, david 52423 IND 696
5 fisher, mike 94870 551 0
T Division
1 fusion, Neutron 859 IND 2400
2 On the fly 55447 IND 1296
1 IND 0 14184

Tuesday December 10, 2013 General Membership Meeting Announcement

Next Meeting: SLRA is having our regular monthly meeting on Tuesday
evening, December 10th, at our new meeting location: Google Map Link

Bandana's Bbq Sunset Hills
11750 Gravois Road
Sunset Hills, Missouri, 63127

We are continuing to meet at  Bandana’s BBQ Sunset Hills. Lets us know what you think about meeting at this location. Even though Bandana’s Sunset Hills doesn’t have a minimum food purchase, we are encouraging members to purchase something to support the use of the room. We have the room from 6:30 to 9:00 and we’ll need to leave promptly since 9 pm is the closing time.


The room will be availabe at 6:30 PM and  the business meeting will start at about 7:00PM. We'll need to be out of the room by 9:00 PM (closing).

If you're a member of SLRA, the meeting minutes from the October meeting will be available here: Meeting Minutes Page,

Topics for discussion at the December 2013 Meeting (partial list - filled as items come up).

1. Treasury Status.

Update on Oct 26th launch:

Larry Terneus - indicated he paid launch fees and membership at the launch.
Already reported in November :
Mark Grant club membership (I have no paperwork):  $10.
Greg Rusbarsky membership (with form) check received $20.00
Launch fees:  $15 - cash
$9.41 after fees ($10) Paypal
Merchandise sales (1 hat):  $20
Total:  $55.

1 Membership received $10

2. Recognition of Achievements

3. Recognition of Contributions

4. Members expenses.
5. Review Challenger Center Event
6. Upcoming Elsberry launch status Sunday December 15th

7.  Upcoming elections for club officers, any nominations?

8. Question about minimum need to have a high power launch.

9. Buder park launches during the winter?

New Business?


On line and paper membership forms with payments received by mail  to be processed by treasurer and president.

Please comment on this post or email me at heyno@heino.com if you have anything to add, or questions or comments.

Heino Pull
SLRA Secretary

December Launch Planned for Sunday December 15, 2013

Thanks to all who have responded with the RSVP so far (10 responses). By far the most common date is December 15, 2013. We have decided to schedule December 15, 2013 as the date for our December launch.  Look for more info on weather/etc as we near the date.  We also have a membership meeting scheduled for Tuesday next week (December 10, 2013).