Details for Saturday Oct 26 High Power Launch At Elsberry

I just heard from Dan Welling that the launch is go. The official launch time is 10:00 am to 4:30 PM. In the past members have met for breakfast at 8:30 a.m. in Elsberry, but right now  (9:30 PM Friday) I have not heard of any plans to meet before the high power setup. Dan will be bringing the equipment and that will determine the time of the setup, but I don’t know his exact plans. I’ll update this post if I here differently. I plan to arrive at Elsberry between 9:00 and 9:30 a.m. If you need to contact the launch site, email and I'll reply with my cell phone number.


Launch fees for this launch is $10 for high power and $5 for model rocket fliers. All fliers must be either an NAR or Tripoli member for insurance purposes. Membership cards will be verified at the RSO table during flier registration. In addition, all high power fliers must also be members of the St. Louis Rocketry Association. Membership can be obtained at the launch site and will cost $10 until the end of 2013. Model rocket fliers do not have to become members. Spectators are always welcome and must remain in the spectator areas. Walk on fliers who are not members will not be able to fly model rockets unless they have contacted a member of SLRA prior to the launch.

Only level 1 NAR or Tripoli members will be allowed in the launch preparation area. All other fliers must be escorted in the launch prep area or to the actual launch pads by a SLRA member.


Dates and locations of all launches are as accurate as we can foresee, however, the launch information on this page is subject to change. Please confirm the launch status of any given launch on the front page of the SLRA web-site before leaving for the launch site.  All “High Power” launches are held at our Elsberry, Missouri launch site. “Class 1″ rockets (including “model rockets”) are always welcome at our “High Power” launches at Elsberry if you are a member of Tripoli or NAR or are under 18 years old. Those over 18 who are not members of Tripoli or NAR  and have not made prearrangements with SLRA will not be able to fly at this launch. Spectators (non fliers) are always welcome at all of SLRA’s launches.

We have a waiver at Elsberry that is good to 6000 MSL with windows available on demand during the day of the launch to 15000 MSL.

Directions to the launch site are at this link:


October Fly is Go at Elsberry!!

OK folks we are go for the launch.   The beans and corn have all been picked, and the weather forecast looks fantastic.  Possible shirt sleeve weather at the end of October!


So here is the plan for the weekend.


I plan to be in Elsberry around 6:30AM  at Our Place restaurant for breakfast.   If you get there early we can handle registration at the restaurant rather than on the field.


Contest registration fee is $7 per competition unit.


At 8AM we will head over to the field (5 minutes) and begin setting up.   I hope to begin flying by 9AM.


Contest range hours will be 9AM until it gets too dark to fly on Saturday, and approximately 8AM until 3PM on SUnday, when contest flights will cease.


If you don't know how to get to the field see the SLRA website at www, where you can find directions.


As a reminder here are the contest events:







Predicted duration


New Rocket Flier Information Page Added to “About Us”- Club Members and Officers Please Review

It's been brought to my attention the difficulty  finding out basic information for our various launches, times, rules, and locations. I've also been emailed  by the public asking the same questions about launch access. I've added a new page under "About Us" on the web site. You can click here to find it.

I'd like to ask the club officers and members to review this information to make sure that everything is correct and check to see if I missed anything.



NAR Expired Motor Program – Opportunity for the October Launch

John Buckley had info at Tuesday's meeting about flying expired motors under the NAR program.  Here is the info from John:

Here is the link to the expired motor program.
I plan to request permission to fly one or two motors at our October launch.   If anyone else wants to participate in this endeavor I need the name of the person flying the motor, and a specific list of motors to be flown.  You must be an NAR member to participate.  You must prepare a report of what happened for the NAR afterward. I need this info preferably by Monday when I will send our request to the NAR.
John Buckley

Notes from Tuesday’s (10/8/2013) General Membership Meeting

We had approximately 10 members in attendance.

1. Dan Welling has talked to the Elsberry landowner and believes it will be difficult for the crops to be out by our first launch date - October 19th. At this point it is more likely that we will be flying on October 26th which is also scheduled as the October Fly contest. Watch the web site for more info.

2. Ken Gianino researched the steps to incorporate the club and the membership voted to proceed. We needed 3 officers for the incorporation and Heino Pull, Dan Welling, and Rob Chapie volunteered. Ken Ginanio is acting as registered agent for the incorporation. This will be filed with the state of Missouri with a small fee. With this step, there should be greater protection for club members and club officers over any legal issues. We all must continue to be vigilant that we follow all the rules as required by NAR and Tripoli insurance and to protect our launch locations. We will be looking at our current bylaws since this is a requirement for incorporation.

3. Dave Kovar reported on the status of the Apollo 45th anniversary event with Gene Kranz at the Science Center. The club will be asked to help on both Friday and Saturday around May 15th. On both days we will need members to help with a middle school age student launch contest on Friday and a possible public build event at the Planetarium on Saturday. Since Friday is a workday we want to get the word out so that we can get as much help as possible. Gene will be giving several presentations and it will be a great way to celebrate the legacy of Apollo 11. Dave also reported on the Challenger Center's 10th Anniversary celebration on Saturday November 15th which we have also been asked to support. There will be a launch of some and educational activities happening that day. Dave is the contact for the event and look for more details on how we can help support the Center.

4. John Buckley reported on October Fly. The contest is on for the October 26 and 27 at Elsberry. NAR members are encouraged to attend. John will be posting status of the launch.

Tuesday October 8, 2013 General Membership Meeting Announcement

Next Meeting: SLRA is having our regular monthly meeting on Tuesday
evening, October 8th, at our new meeting location: Google Map Link

Bandana's Bbq Sunset Hills
11750 Gravois Road
Sunset Hills, Missouri, 63127

We are continuing to meet at  Bandana’s BBQ Sunset Hills. Lets us know what you think about meeting at this location. Even though Bandana’s Sunset Hills doesn’t have a minimum food purchase, we are encouraging members to purchase something to support the use of the room. We have the room from 6:30 to 9:00 and we’ll need to leave promptly since 9 pm is the closing time.


The room will be availabe at 6:30 PM and  the business meeting will start at about 7:00PM. We'll need to be out of the room by 9:00 PM (closing).

If you're a member of SLRA, the meeting minutes from the August meeting will be available here: Meeting Minutes Page,

Topics for discussion at the October 2013 Meeting (partial list - filled as items come up).

1. Treasury Status.

1 Membership received: $10 check
Clothing Payments: $176.80 transfer to PayPal.
$20 cash paid last meeting.  Waiting for 1 last payment.

Clothing payments to date $674.27.

2. Recognition of Achievements
3. Members expenses.
4. Review launches - Buder Park, O record attempt.
5. Upcoming Elsberry launch status Oct 19th.
6. Contest status
7. Discuss possible club incorporation



On line and paper membership forms with payments received by mail  to be processed by treasurer and president.

Please comment on this post or email me at if you have anything to add, or questions or comments.

Heino Pull
SLRA Secretary

SLRA Members Make Research ‘O’ Motor Record Attempt

Several members of the St. Louis Rocketry Association traveled to the Black Rock Desert to make a Tripoli launch record attempt.  The site chosen for this attempt was the 22nd annual Tripoli BALLS rocket launch event held on the Black Rock Desert dry lake bed near Gerlach, NV.  SLRA members Lou Goldring and Craig Klimczak traveled to Nevada to make the attempt.  Lou and Craig were assisted by members of the University of Southern California Rocket Propulsion Laboratory including Craig's daughter Stephanie and her friend Ethan Thompson.

Team Photo

Ethan Thompson, Stephanie Klimczak, Lou Goldring and Craig Klimczak pose for a pre-launch photo at BALLS 22.

The Come To Daddy rocket is a team effort.  The O-5400 motor was built by Dr. Mark Grant of Columbia, Mo. who also supplied the launch control system used to control and launch the rocket.  Machining and logistics were handled by Dan Welling who made sure that Come To Daddy was delivered safely and successfully to Reno, NV.

The first attempt to launch Come To Daddy came on Friday afternoon, September 20th.  After a delay in getting the rocket and launch tower prepped, the weather worsened with high winds and dust storms forcing a shutdown of launch operations.  With rain and high winds arriving on Saturday, the launch of Come To Daddy was postponed until Sunday morning.  By 10:30 AM Come to Daddy was ready for launch but a defective switch in the launch control system resulted in another delay.  At 11:30 AM the bugs were worked out and Come To Daddy was launched on its record breaking attempt.

Come To Daddy Lifts Off Seeking 'O' Research Record

Come To Daddy Lifts Off Seeking 'O' Research Record

A clean launch unfortunately was followed by an in-flight recovery bay failure that left Come To Daddy without a nose cone and parachute.  The booster came in hot and was damaged on impact with the Black Rock Playa.

After losing her nose cone and recovery bay Come-To-Daddy came in hot for a hard landing on the Playa.

After losing her nose cone and recovery bay Come-To-Daddy came in hot for a hard landing on the Playa.

Buder Park Launch Report – Mike Fischer 9/21/2013

Buder Park SLRA club launch Five attending, two with wife and kids, one with wife. Dave, Aaron, John, me & ? (I’ve got to learn everyone’s name. Maybe I’ll get a pack of labels.)
Sunny, cool. Winds gusty and variable. I had my launcher set up and ready to go… and the controller died. Luckily others were available.
Two rockets lost. One was Dave’s PMC X-15. (sob) A few were damaged including a helicopter whose burn thread didn’t burn. All seem repairable.
My Wizard and Gyroc were damaged in transit. (!@#$%^&*) The Gyroc still turned in a nice flight.
My good flights were a Big Bertha, Viking, Trifecta, Breakaway, Delta Wedge and the aforementioned Gyroc. D-Region Tomahawk and Warp II were scrubbed because of the variable winds. Wizard scrubbed because of transit damage.
Lots more good launches. Several others were scrubbed because of the winds. The Super Mosquito was great. John had two helicopters on piston launchers.
All had fun, exercise and an improved suntan.
The air show was excellent and we had a good view of the aerobatics. How those guys can stall, spin out and recover with no sensory feedback is totally beyond me.

(From Heino - Thanks Mike for writing this - it is great to get launch reports and I wanted to put this on the front page so everyone would see it.)