October Fly XVI

OK, I propose we hold October Fly XVI on October 21-22. I will sanction this as an NRC (National Rocketry Competition) meet. We will conduct October Fly WITHIN the NRC sanction. If you have any events you'd like to suggest be included let me know. NRC includes the following contest events: 1/2A PD, 1/2A BG, C ELA, A HD, A SD, and A PAY. I propose choosing OF events from this list.

For location we can stick with Buder park unless we can get one of our high power launches to line up with this.

How does this sound?

John B.

Heavy Metal-II, June 10-11, 2017 in Walnut Grove

We have finalized the list of contest events for this regional. They are:

G Helicopter duration (NARAM 59 event)
C Altitude (Altimeter tracked, NARAM 59 event)
A Boost Glide
A Parachute duration
A Streamer duration
Set Duration, 55 sec target

Hope to see a contingent from SLRA attend. I will also work on setting up a group hotel. It won't be the Lamplighter most likely, I'll try to get something a little cheaper.

John Buckley

Potential Joint launch with Springfield Tripoli Mo Kan

I have been in contact with Gary Cole from the Springfield club about a repeat of last years two day joint launch. We have come up with a proposed date of June 3-4, 2017. We could not find a workable date in May. We will run a NAR contest as part of the event with me as the CD. I plan to include G helicopter as one of the events.

Let me know what you think.



October Fly XV

It looks like we will have enough contestants. If every one I list below comes we will have 13. If you can't make it let me know.

John Buckley
Mike Fischer
Steve Cox
Dave Kovar?
Dan Crank?

Crueless (team)
Bogus Otis (team)
Altimeter Buddies (team)
1 proxy entry from Launch Crue

Keith Vinyard
Sally Vinyard
Craig Vinyard
Devon P? (TARC)

John B.

NARAM 59 announcement

NARAM 59 has been announced! Looks like some interesting events.

The information for NARAM 59 has now been posted on the NAR site. NARAM will be held in Muskegon, Michigan July 29 to August 4, 2017. Alas, it is the site of the Muskegon County Wastewater Facility (Poo ponds). Bob Alway is the CD. The events are listed below.

C Alt (tracked)
B SRA (altimeter)
C PAY (altimeter)
B ELA (tracked)
G HD (C & team divisions)
D HD (A & B divisions)
Concept Scale
R & D