A few of us from SLRA came down, met the members of Teeniemundie and flew a few rockets. I took a few pictures. and yes those are cows in the background. Beautiful sunny day, little wind.
We are go for this launch, weather permitting.
I will post more details including directions later.
Is anyone interested in a hotel room? I can try for a group rate if its not too late.
John Buckley
At this point we have 9 people who are due to come to the contest, so we need one more to make it a regional. So, if you are an NAR member and can show up either Saturday or Sunday at Buder Park for a contest flight I'd appreciate it. You can fly any rocket any motor in the Random duration event.
So, please help out if you can.
John Buckley
OK, October Fly will be this weekend, Saturday and Sunday. I know that the club is considering a launch at Elsberry. I don't want to stand in the way of that as we have few chances at getting on that field. However, if you are a NAR member please consider entering the contest by proxy if you are not coming in person. I just need a signed CB170 and a rocket to fly. I will have forms at the Tuesday meeting. Also there will be prizes courtesy of Andy Jackson of Aerospace Specialty Products!
John Buckley
The minutes of the club meeting on September 8 have been posted. If you are registered with the SLRA website and logged in, you can see them at http://dmortproductions.com/stlrocketry/meeting-minutes.
For reference, NAR's guide on how run a national event.
[gview file="http://dmortproductions.com/stlrocketry.previewc45.carrierzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/NAR-National-Events-Handbook1.pdf"]
NARAM 58 website is up and running!
I visited the launch site and met with Corky Borgmann, took a few pictures, here:
John Buckley
I have to look at my records to be sure but this fall we will host the 14th or 15th October Fly on October 17,18 at Buder Park. Here is a proposed list of events.
Event WF
A RG 20
1/2 A BG 17
1/2 A HD 19
1/2 A SRA 14
Random Duration 10
total WF=80
This list is posted as tentative, if you want to make suggestion, please do. I would like to finalize the list in a week or so. We had discussed partnering with the Science Center and running this on central field in Forest Park but I do not know if we have time to pull that off.
Please note that I do have a small supply of Pnut altimeters that I will allow people to use, on condition that if you damage or lose it you replace it!
John Buckley
In case you have not been in a club meeting recently (like this month) I have proposed stepping in as the Contest Director for NARAM 58 next year in late July. That's one whole week of competition rockets
I have identified a site in SW Missouri that is 3000 acres of pasture near Springfield. It is M capable with an existing 15000 ft waiver. I am currently in the process of developing a bid for the event. I would like to have the organization's help and support behind me on this project as there will be a lot of work involved. A few have given me offers of support but the more people I can count on the better.
What do you think?
If you like this and want to be involved send me an e-mail or give me a call.
John Buckley
Minutes of the August 11, 2015 meeting are now available on the minutes and bylaws page.