All Systems go for Saturday June 22 SLRA Summer Solstice Night Lunch Event

Due to expected heat, the start time has been changed to 7:00 pm. The range will be open from 7:00-11:00 pm. Set-up is 6:30-7:00 pm. Rain precipitation Chance is 8%. Winds are predicted to be S/SW at 11mph at 7:00 pm and decreasing to 8mph by 11pm, Opportune launch location is the RC Pavillion. Hopefully any RCers who are there when we arrive will grant us the opportunity to use the pavilion space for our event.

All Systems Go For Saturday’s Buder Park Launch

Fellow rocketeers, We are go for the first Buder Park North launch of the year on Saturday. Temps are projected to be upper 60s-low 70s with winds out of the SW starting 10mph at 9:00 and reducing to 8mph by 1:00pm. Rain chance is 20-30%. This is a Scale Model Rocket-Themed Event. Set-up is at 8:30am with the Range open from 9:00-1:00pm

Happy Rocketeering everyone!!!

SLRA General Meeting Announcement

The next SLRA general meeting is coming-up on Tuesday November 28th, 2023 at Fallon’s Irish Bar and Grill located at 9200 Olive Blvd, Apt 116, Olivette, MO
6:00-7:00 PM - Rocket Talk Social Hour
7:00 PM - Meeting Start Time
More Post-Meeting Rocket Talk up until 9:30 pm
If you’re a member of SLRA and are registered on the website, you can view minutes of previous meetings from our website’s Meeting Minutes Page, The unresolved discussions from our previous meeting will be the basis of our “old business” discussion at Tuesday’s meeting.

New Meeting Attendee Recognition
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
Treasury Status
Recognition of Achievements and Contributions
Members expenses
Recent/Upcoming Launch Events (December 16th Elsberry Launch)
Old Business
New Business

Mike Fischer Memorial Raffle

A portion Mike’s packaged kits & Ready-to-fly rockets will be raffled off at the end of the meeting (The packaged kits would make for Great Stocking Stuffers…Ho Ho!).

Please email
 if you have new business for the meeting.

Zoom connection no longer available

Spooktacular Night Launch Event Cancelled Due to Cool and Rainy Weather Forecast

Tomorrow's Spooktacular Night Launch Event has been cancelled due to the cool and rainy weather forecast that's predicted for tomorrow evening. The winds are also predicted to be out of the Northeast which means we would not have use of the pavilion. There's a possibility that we may schedule a night launch event in early December if weather conditions are favorable.

Happy Rocketeering everyone!!!!

Secretary Dave

Update: Weather Forecast Not Favorable for Spooktacular (88% Chance of Precipitation)

Fellow SLRAers,

The forecast is not favorable for Saturday's Spooktacular Night Launch event, The rain chance for Saturday evening is now 88% and the winds are still projected to be out of the North/Northwest. That means we will not be able to use the pavilion for shelter. We'll need lots of shade/rain canopies. We should have a pretty good idea on Friday evening what the weather is going to be Saturday for our event. Keep your eyes peeled to the SLRA website and I'll strive to get the notice out late Friday or early Saturday.

Let me know if you can provide any of the following: Generator, canopy, tables for hot dog/chili feast, hot dogs, buns, ketchup, mustard, relish plates, napkins, plastic utensils, bowls.

The Wash U contingent is bringing chili.

NOTE: There is no backup date for this event as the Night-Launch Permit is only good for Saturday and Sunday looks to be rainy throughout the day/evening

Happy Rocketeering!! Secretary Dave

Cancellation of the November 18th Elsberry High Power Power Launch

The November 18th Elsberry Launch has been cancelled due to our launch date coinciding with the Missouri Firearms Deer Season.  There are lots of deer blinds around the Elsberry site and we have no idea on which way the rockets will be drifting on launch day.  To eliminate any chance at all of a bad situation occurring, the only true choice is to cancel the November HP Launch.  

Note: The October and December Elsberry HP Launches are not impacted. 

There is also an opportunity to launch High Power November 10-12 at the National Association of Rocketry's East National Sport Launch that's being held near Pence, Indiana.  The host for this event is the Indiana Rocketry Society (Section #711). The launch ceiling is 17,999'. There will be vendors, Food Trucks, and Raffle winning opportunities. Hopefully SLRA will have great representation at this event! 

NAR-NSL East 2023 

Happy Rocketeering!!

Secretary Dave