No launch in Elsberry for March 28

Again, we regret to announce that although Saturday's weather looks promising, mid-week rain is re-soaking the field and not allowing the roads to dry out. Therefore, we have made the decision to cancel the March 28 date and allow club members to make other plans.

If you want to fly high-power and are willing to travel, Quad Cities Rocket Society will have a launch on March 28 at their Princeton, IL field. This is an excellent field about four hours' drive north of the St. Louis area with a standing 15,000 foot waiver. Please see their website at for more information.

As I said in my previous post, we are looking for a new high-power launch site. If you have any leads on a suitable site, please contact me at or attend one of our regular monthly meetings to discuss it. All suggestions are welcome!

No launch in Elsberry for March 21

The field is still too muddy for us to bring vehicles into the Elsberry field, so there will be no launch tomorrow (March 21). There is still a possibility for a launch on March 28 at this location, but we are still not optimistic.

The club officers are actively investigating a possible new high-power launch site, but continue to welcome suggestions if other members know of a place that could be suitable. The primary criteria for a high-power site are relatively flat, open terrain (free of large numbers of trees, buildings or power lines) and the further from major airports, the better. Farmland is usually ideal. Please send any suggestions to and I will forward them to the club officers. Thanks!

Buder Park Launch is Go for This Morning March 14, 2015

Although it has rained, the weather looks good for this morning and we are leaving to set up the range at Buder. The field may be damp at first, but this should not be a problem for the grass. We expect to start flying at 9:00 am and continue until there are no rockets to fly (around noon or later). Setup should depend on the wind, but we normally set up in the northwest part of the park. We will post when the range shuts down.

Some Notes From Tuesday’s Meeting (March 10, 2015)

We had a small meeting and discussed several issues.

1. We are in search for a new high power field. We have not lost access to our existing field in Elsberry, but it is becoming less likely that we will be able to fly there with any consistency. It is a great field when we have access, but there seems to be very little chance of scheduling any launches there (as the last few years have demonstrated). Old timers can remember that our original field - a mile north of our current - had much more robust roads and a small amount of moisture or wet fields did not prevent access. Our future supporting high power would benefit greatly from more reliable access to a field.

We have no leads at the present but we are definitely interested in ideas or contacts for a field anywhere within an hour of St. Louis that would permit us to fly. We have to obtain an FAA waiver for a new field, but Rob Chapie (our Tripoli Prefect) indicated that our FAA contacts are very responsive to our waiver needs. Keep an eye out for possibilities and let the board know if you have any ideas for possible new fields. We won't pass up an opportunity to fly at Elsberry, but there are only 2 more dates this spring that we will attempt.

2. Since it is difficult to fly at Elsberry, we are expanding our Buder Park flying season. We have a launch Saturday morning (3/14) and the weather so far looks very good. We plan to have a launch the Saturday after our meeting from now on until the weather gets bad again later this year.

3.We have received feedback that there isn't much mentoring or fun at our meetings.  We have decided to minimize the amount of business at our monthly meetings (second Tuesday of the month) and we are planning more fun meetings in the future.  As much business as possible will now be handled using email and we hope to keep the meetings much less boring. We are also looking into having build sessions where everyone can bring projects, get advice and compare notes. We are looking for other locations and times that would allow us to spread out  bit and do some building and we're open to any suggestions.

To start off, John Buckley suggested that we have a small boost glider build session at an upcoming meeting where we'll put together a 1/2A balsa glider to fly at Buder. He is putting together a parts list it should be cheap and a lot of fun. Thanks John! Look for more details in the next few weeks before our next meeting.

We are looking for anyone who would like to demo a technique, talk about their projects, or ask questions for general discussion. We're interested in any rocketry related topics. If you have a project you need help with - bring it into a meeting or a build session. I'm also going to try to come up with some suggested meeting themes to help encourage more fun and less boring stuff at our meetings.

4. The board agreed to purge our membership records at the end of March for anyone who hasn't renewed their membership. We won't delete web site accounts or email notifications, but the member's area will no longer be accessible if your account is downgraded. Thanks to everyone who has renewed for 2015!

Scrub again – no launch on March 7

Unfortunately, with continued precipitation and warm weather coming, the Elsberry field continues to be too muddy for us to bring vehicles and our club trailer in. Therefore, we're officially cancelling the 3/7 backup date for our first planned launch. While disappointing, this does not come as much of a surprise.

We are still hopeful that things will dry out over the next two weeks and we will be able to have a high-power launch in Elsberry on March 21, which is our next planned date.

Other upcoming events - we have a club meeting at Bandana's on March 10, at which all club members are welcome, and we also have a model rocket launch scheduled for March 14 at Buder Park. One of the topics of discussion at the meeting will be the condition of the field at Buder Park and planning for the model rocket launch. (At the February meeting, we decided to schedule all of the Buder Park launches for the Saturday following the club meeting, to aid with planning - this is why sometimes it falls on the second Saturday of the month, and sometimes it's the third.) Please check the calendar to the right for up-to-date information on all club events.

If you have any questions about upcoming events, please leave a comment here, or email me at Thanks!

Scrub – no launch on February 28

We received confirmation from the landowner in Elsberry that, as expected, the roads and fields are snow-covered and muddy. As such, we will not be able to access the field for a launch on Saturday.

We will still plan for the following Saturday, March 7, to be the back-up date, but the long-range weather outlook does not make us optimistic that conditions will be any better by then. Please continue to watch this website and our Facebook page for further information.

Quick, informal poll – who has rockets to fly?

Our first planned launch date of 2015 is just a few days away, and we are having our typical poor luck with weather conditions.

The club has not yet contacted the landowner about the condition of the Elsberry field. It is still very likely that it will be too muddy for us to use the site. However, part of the decision-making process is knowing how many flyers we will have if the launch does happen. So I'd like to take a quick informal poll on the following question: "given the current weather forecast, with temperatures well below freezing and moderate wind, would YOU have a rocket to fly?"

Please either reply to this post, or email me directly at Thanks!

Reminder – membership renewals are due now

It's a new year, and that means it's dues time again. At our January meeting, the members present voted to increase club dues from $20 to $25 per year to help build the treasury back up.

The membership forms have been updated for 2015. As before, there is one form for renewing by mail or paying in person at a club meeting or launch, and a second form for paying by PayPal. From a paperwork standpoint, it's easier for the club Secretary if you use PayPal.

Click here to renew and pay with PayPal

Click here to renew and pay by mail or in person

Thanks in advance for your continued membership. We're working to make 2015 better than ever!