Elsberry MO Launch Site

MO-79 and State Hwy JJ
Elsberry, MO United States

Google Maps:MO-79 & State Hwy JJ then follow directions below.
GPS Coordinates:
39°09’41.2″N 90°45’51.2″W.
Weather/Wind Forecast: windfinder.com or weather.gov



The Launch Site is 1/2 mile south of Elsberry MO near the intersection of MO-79 & State Hwy JJ.

From O’Fallon MO:

From the intersection of MO-79 and State Hwy JJ/Old Hwy 79 (39°09’36.0″N 90°46’42.7″W):

  • Turn EAST onto Old Hwy 79 (gravel road),
  • Go across the train tracks, and
  • Continue straight onto the farm road. Note: Old Hwy 79 will immediately turn right (SOUTH), but do not follow it.
  • Go across the wooden bridge (39°09’38.8″N 90°46’35.7″W) and follow the signs.
  • Please drive very slowly. Never leave the gravel road system for any reason.
  • Launch Pads are typically located at 39°09’41.2″N 90°45’51.2″W.

Alternative route around the bridge:


The land used by the St. Louis Rocketry Association for the Launch Site at Elsberry, Missouri is private property.

Always be courteous if a local resident or farmer from the Elsberry area approaches or talks to you.

Be very careful not to do any damage to the roads, the shoulders of the roads or any open areas along the roads with your vehicle. Please ask the launch coordinator or SLRA staff, at the launch site, what roads may be used to retrieve rockets, depending on weather conditions.

The site is only open for rocketry activities during the specific launch dates and times when launches are officially sponsored by the St. Louis Rocketry Association. You may not fly rockets from, or otherwise use the Elsberry launch site on other dates or at other times.

Thank you for respecting the landowner and his right of privacy.

Upcoming Events

  • No events in this location