1. There will be a launch on July 19th at Buder Park. Set up time is 8:00 am with launch starting at 9:00 am. The launch is planned until 12:00 noon and can be extended if the weather is good and people would like to continue flying. Anyone is welcome to come fly with us. The details are at this link.
2. We have scheduled our first fall launch at Elsberry. It is scheduled for Saturday October 11th. We will be hosting both an NAR regional contest (October Fly) and a Tripoli research launch. We plan to have a total of 3 launches this fall and will announce the dates for the remaining two launches later this summer. The launch has rollover dates if weather forces a cancellation.
3. A number of SLRA members are planning to attend the Argonia launch in Kansas on labor day weekend. Look for a separate post on the web site giving more details of this large regional launch.
4. Based on a motion from the current board of directors (Heino Pull, Dan Welling, and Rob Chapie), we have added the following directors: Don Hanson, Rodney Riederer, David Kovar, John Buckley.