April 30th, 2022
We're going to try an audio-only Zoom call for this month's meeting. The information is below:
Topic: SLRA August 2022 Business Meeting
Time: Aug 23, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 818 8925 2549
Passcode: 423254
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Meeting ID: 818 8925 2549
Passcode: 423254
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kca8zYiH1w
We have the RC Pavilion reserved for today’s SLRA Sport Launch.
As a result, there’s a slight change in the start time:
Set-up start time has been moved to 3:30. I’ve kept the start of Open-Range time at 4:00. Let’s hope for no glitches getting our launch and audio equipment set-up.
There’s a permanent grill at the pavilion so let’s have our first ever Dog Day Grill-n-Fly launch event. Bring your favorite hot dogs, buns and condiments and let’s feast. There’s also a 12 volt charging station at the pavilion that we have available to us as well.
Due to the forecast of rain on Sunday, the upcoming launch at Buder Park has been rescheduled to Saturday, July 30th, from 4:00pm to 8:15pm. Range set-up will be from 3:00pm to 4:00pm, so feel free to arrive early to help. Note that sunset will be at 8:13pm, and the park closes one half hour after sunset.
SLRA is having our regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, July 26th.
The meeting will be held at Olympia Kebob House and Taverna, 1543 McCausland Ave. Richmond Heights, MO 63117.
f you’re a member of SLRA and are registered on the website, you can view minutes of previous meetings here: Meeting Minutes Page, The meeting minutes will be the basis of our “old business” discussion.
1. Minutes
2. Treasury Status
3. Recognition of Achievements and Contributions
4. Members expenses
5. Old Business
6. New Business
a) Election of SLRA Officers
Nominations: President – Chris Franklin; Vice President – Charles Barnett; Secretary – Dave Kovar; Treasurer – Don Hanson; Plus 3 more Directors - John Buckley, Dan Crank and Doug Probst.
Online and paper membership forms with payments received by mail to be processed by treasurer and president.
Please email admin@stlouisrocketry.com if you have new business for the meeting.
You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted.
St. Louis Rocketry AssociationNo longer interested in emails from St. Louis Rocketry Association? Please click here to unsubscribe
SLRA is having our regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, June 28th.
The meeting will be held at Olympia Kebob House and Taverna, 1543 McCausland Ave. Richmond Heights, MO 63117.
Due to COVID-19, this meeting will also be held on Zoom:
Topic: SLRA June Business Meeting
Time: Jun 28, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 892 5284 6552
Passcode: 476261
f you’re a member of SLRA and are registered on the website, you can view minutes of previous meetings here: Meeting Minutes Page, The meeting minutes will be the basis of our “old business” discussion.
1. Minutes
2. Treasury Status
3. Recognition of Achievements and Contributions
4. Members expenses
5. Old Business
6. New Business
Online and paper membership forms with payments received by mail to be processed by treasurer and president.
Please email admin@stlouisrocketry.com if you have new business for the meeting.
You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted.
St. Louis Rocketry AssociationNo longer interested in emails from St. Louis Rocketry Association? Please click here to unsubscribe
The launch for 5/29/22 has been scrubbed due to high Winds
Stand by for rollover information...
SLRA is having our regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, May 24th.
The meeting will be held at Olympia Kebob House and Taverna, 1543 McCausland Ave. Richmond Heights, MO 63117.
Due to COVID-19, this meeting will also be held on Zoom:
Topic: SLRA May 2022 Business Meeting
Time: May 24, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 886 9312 7764
Passcode: 989862
f you’re a member of SLRA and are registered on the website, you can view minutes of previous meetings here: Meeting Minutes Page, The meeting minutes will be the basis of our “old business” discussion.
1. Minutes
2. Treasury Status
3. Recognition of Achievements and Contributions
4. Members expenses
5. Old Business
6. New Business
Online and paper membership forms with payments received by mail to be processed by treasurer and president.
Please email admin@stlouisrocketry.com if you have new business for the meeting.
You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are posted.
St. Louis Rocketry AssociationNo longer interested in emails from St. Louis Rocketry Association? Please click here to unsubscribe
Click on the April 25th, 2022 Meeting Minutes Below
The SLRA April Meeting Minutes that includes lessons learned from SLRA's support to local groups participating in the 2022 Team America Rocketry Competition (TARC).
Please review the minutes and provide edits/modifications to president@stlouisrocketry.com by 21 May.