October Fly XIX

October Fly is this weekend, Saturday and Sunday at Buder Park. My apologies to all for my lack of communication. My Schedule did not become clear until this week.

We will run October Fly 10AM to 5PM Saturday and 10 AM to 3PM on Sunday.

Events will be the 6 NRC events.

Hope to see a good turnout!

John Buckley

2 SLRA Club Wide Announcements

First, About the work needed to ready our new Trailer.

  • Dan Welling (danw1963@hotmail.com), Dave Pape (david.pape@papestudio.com), and Don Hanson (donlakeshire@yahoo.com) are the in charge crew for the decisions of how to set the new trailer up with shelving and etc.
  • They are wondering if there were perhaps some other folks in the club that would like to volunteer to help out?
  • We are also going to need some more funding for material, either from more donations or from the club account.
  • If you are interested please e-mail Dan, Dave or Don.
  • The only real degree of difficulty is that the trailer is out at Dave Pape's (3245 Highway F, Pacific, MO 63069)

Second, 2021 Rocket Photo Calendar.

  • Hi Everyone,
  • I am writing to inform you that Nadine Kinney has started accepting preorders for her 2021 rocket photo calendar, and I spoke with her – Kaboom Krewe’s Marvin the Martian rocket takes up the entire month of April!
  • I have discussed with Nadine and we have a bulk order price available to us.  Our price is $13.00 per calendar.
  • I will collect preorders and get them together so we can all enjoy a wonderful calendar at a great price. If you haven’t had one of Nadine’s calendars in the past, it’s not just the calendar that you get, there are some coupons included in each month for various vendors and manufacturers. 
  • Pickup can be arranged at a monthly club meeting or porch pickup at my house located in Maplewood.
  • I would like to ask for payment in advance if possible. I can accept paypal, money order, or cash. 
  • To place your preorder, please send me an email to mrwalsh85@gmail.com. In the subject line, please type out MARVIN CALENDAR so I can easily look for your email, and then in the email, indicate how many calendars you would like and how you would like to pay. I will take your information down and send a confirmation e-mail with the qty and total cost to be paid, and whatever information is needed to remit payment.
  • Once they’ve arrived, I will send all an e-mail informing that they’ve arrived and are available for pickup.
  • If you are not local, but want to get in on this pre-order, please shoot me an e-mail and we will figure out how to get these to you.
  • Thank you for your time, Mike Walsh - Kaboom Krewe

Buder Park Model Rocket Launch – Sunday, September 27 – READ SPECIAL RULES BELOW

Our next model rocket launch is scheduled for Sunday, September 27 at Buder Park - under SPECIAL RULES due to the Coronavirus Pandemic - read and understand below.

As always, please check the website for last-minute updates before heading to the field, or check your email if you are subscribed to the email list.

We'll start setup at 8:30 am and should have the range open by 9:00 am. The range will stay open for as long as people are flying, but we're typically done by 12:00 or 1:00 pm.

If you have any questions, please email admin@stlouisrocketry.com.


In order to comply with the latest guidelines issued by the St. Louis County Department of Public Health (DPH), SLRA’s Buder Park rocket launches will be limited to a maximum of ten people (two officers and eight flyers). Additionally, SLRA will not be able to host students, scouts, or any other groups at our park launches until social distancing is lifted. Here’s how we’re going to manage that:

  1. Prior to each launch, each person who wants to attend must register by emailing Dan Crank at danno@danno.org. If you are a NAR member, please include a scan or photo of your NAR card with your first registration email (I will keep these on file until they expire). If you are not a NAR member, I will send you instructions for signing a liability release electronically.
  2. Slots will generally be assigned to people first come first serve, but…
  3. To ensure as many people as possible get to fly, priority will be given to people who registered for a previous launch but did not get a slot, and people who did not register for the previous launch. For example: Bart registers for the May launch, gets a slot, and attends. Lisa registered for the May launch, but did not get to attend because Bart got the last slot. Maggie did not register for the May launch at all. If all three register for the June launch, Lisa has first priority for a slot, then Maggie, then Bart (regardless of when they sent their registrations). Then, if Bart doesn’t get to fly in June, he goes to the top of the list for July.
  4. Lists will be finalized 48 hours before the launch and everyone who sent a registration will be notified by email whether or not they got a slot. If there is a no-go for weather, flooding or any other reason, it will also be decided 48 hours before the launch if at all possible.
  5. Any kids over the age of two count towards our limit of ten participants
  6. People slotted as officers will get to fly rockets, but will be expected to help as LCO (launch control officer) and / or RSO (range safety officer) for a portion of the launch. SLRA club officers and people whose names are on our GSLMA permits can act as launch officers; others may be deputized at the discretion of an officer. There will be no badges (although Don will try to sell you a name tag).
  7. As with everywhere else, DPH-issued social distancing guidelines will be in effect at all times during the launch. Specifically for us, this means:
    1. While at the launch pads or flight line or anywhere else, maintain a distance of six or more feet from anyone who is not a member of your household. Please approach the launch pad one at a time to rack your rockets.
    2. Only the LCO should be at the launch control table (there will be no sign-up sheet as we’ve had in the past).
    3. RSO inspection of rockets, when necessary, will be “hands-off” at a distance of six or more feet.
    4. Please bring a mask (a bandana is OK) and wear it while in the vicinity of the flight line or launch pads, unless wearing a mask would compromise your health (let me know if this is the case). If you’re by yourself in your prep area, or out in the field retrieving a rocket, you are not required to keep your mask on (although you can if you wish).
  8. It goes without saying that all rules of the NAR Safety Code remain in effect.
  9. If you have any questions or concerns about these rules, please email Dan Crank at danno@danno.org. This is a new situation for all of us, and we’re figuring it out as we go. If you have ideas about how to make the launch better (“better” being defined as safer, fairer and more fun - in that order), please bring them up for discussion with the club.

Updated St. Louis County DPH guidelines effective May 18: https://stlcorona.com/dr-pages-messages/public-health-orders/director-of-public-health-business-and-individual-guidelines-for-social-distancing-and-re-opening/

St. Louis County Parks and Recreation page, with park-specific information: https://www.stlouisco.com/Parks-and-Recreation

--The fine print---

Launch pads are usually set up in the southeast corner of the park, but this may change based on wind direction and other activities nearby.

Anyone who is a current, paid member of the National Association of Rocketry or Tripoli Rocketry Association is welcome to participate. Due to insurance regulations, those who are not a member of one of the two national organizations will need to have a NAR or Tripoli member inspect and fly their rockets for them. Non-members will also be asked to sign a liability release. If you wish to fly your own rockets, please be prepared to show your NAR or Tripoli membership card, or a receipt of payment if you are a new member who has not yet received a card.

Please note that these launches may be cancelled for a number of reasons, notably: weather conditions (rain, high wind), park conditions (mud, flooding), or scheduling conflicts (another group’s use of the park makes it impossible to safely launch, or not enough SLRA members are available to run the launch). Please check the “current launch status” on the front page of our website, http://dmortproductions.com/stlrocketry, before making your way to the park.

Buder Park launches are conducted under the NAR safety code as “Class 1” rocket launches. Class 1 launches carry the following restrictions:

Rockets must weigh less than 1.5 kilograms (3.3 pounds) at liftoff, including propellant.
Rockets must contain no more than 125 grams (4.4 ounces) of propellant – this includes most motors up through G class (although see the note below regarding high-altitude launches). Only certified, commercial motors are allowed.
Rockets must be made of wood, paper, or breakable plastic, and contain no substantial metal parts.
Rockets must employ a recovery system such as a parachute, streamer, helicopter, glide, tumble or featherweight recovery
Decisions of the LCO (launch control officer) and RSO (range safety officer) are final with respect to these restrictions and safety in general. Our goal is safety for everyone involved.

The total size of Buder Park is approximately 2100 x 1200 feet, which according to the Model Rocket Safety Code is large enough to fly a G motor rocket. However, please keep in mind that we are usually not the only users of the park – we share it with radio control aircraft flyers, archers, sports teams, joggers, and many others. Also, the perimeter of the park is lined with very tall trees, and just beyond the north treeline you will find the Meramec River. Have some idea of how high your rocket is expected to go before you launch, keep the wind conditions in mind, and use common sense. Experienced SLRA members will be happy to advise you to make sure your rocket is safe and likely to be recoverable.

Finally, please remember to take adequate precautions in hot weather – use sunscreen and bring water or sports drinks to stay hydrated. One nice thing about Buder Park is that there is plenty of shade around the edges of the field, so please take shelter from the sun when you need to.Posted in Mail_All_UsersUncategorized | Leave a replyPosted in Mail_All_Users | Leave a replyPosted in Mail_All_Users | Leave a reply

Tuesday, September 22, 2020 General Membership Meeting Announcement

SLRA is having our regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, September 22nd.

It will be held at Bandana's Bar-B-Q, 11750 Gravois Road, Sunset Hills, MO 63127-1804.

There is a $100 total food/drink order minimum for the group. So we need at least 10 people to be in attendance.

Please email us at admin@stlouisrocketry.com to let us know if you will attend this meeting in person.

Due to COVID-19, this meeting will also be held on Zoom:

Topic: SLRA September business meeting
Time: Sep 22, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 824 9911 8290
Passcode: 669056

If you're a member of SLRA and are registered on the website, you can view minutes of previous meetings here: Meeting Minutes Page, The meeting minutes will be the basis of our "old business" discussion.


  1. Minutes from the August 25th Meeting
  2. Treasury Status.
  3. Recognition of Achievements
  4. Recognition of Contributions
  5. Members expenses.
  6. Old Business - Trailer
  7. New Business

Online and paper membership forms with payments received by mail to be processed by treasurer and president.

Please email admin@stlouisrocketry.com if you have new business for the meeting.

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Rocket Event that Needs Support

Dan Welling e-mailed me the following:

This Sunday, September 13th, starting at 2pm, at Berry Park (401 Forby Rd, Eureka, MO 63025), a friend of mine has a group of kids (Scouts, church - don't recall) that are going to be flying water/air rockets.  My friend asked me if any of us would like to give a few minute talk on rockets and maybe bring some show and tell rockets.  

If anyone is interested let Dan Welling (danw1963@hotmail.com) know and he'll give you the contact info for his friend, Eric.  

How to Donate to the Trailer Fund

SLRA Trailer Fund Total to Date (9/23/2020) is $1,850.

Trailer is a Haulmark from Viper Trailer World in Festus for a sale price of $3,495.

The specs are: a single axel  12 x 6 with 6' 6" headroom, V nose, side door, rear ramp.

Screwless, Seamless, one piece Roof

To Donate to the SLRA Trailer Fund:

go to:



click on "Send"

enter the e-mail address:


enter amount

add a note:  Trailer Donation from your name

click "Sending to a Friend"

if your PayPal account is linked to your bank account then you will not be charged a fee.  If it is linked to your credit card then you will be charged a fee.

Will you attend the August 25th SLRA meeting in Person?

SLRA is having our regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, August 25th.

It will be held at Bandana's Bar-B-Q, 11750 Gravois Road, Sunset Hills, MO 63127-1804.

There is a $100 total food/drink order minimum for the group. So we need at least 10 people to be in attendance.

Please email us at admin@stlouisrocketry.com to let us know if you will attend this meeting in person.

SLRA Trailer Discussion Items

Received the following SLRA Trailer discussion items from Don Hanson, who along with David Pape and Dan Welling are investigating Trailer options for our club.

After more exhaustive research, I am leaning heavily towards a single axel trailer.

Main reasons are: payload capacity Tow-ability  Availability Affordability

Key question is just how much cargo capacity do we really need.

Single Axle payload is 1515 lbs with the Haulmark, and 1770 lbs on the Arising, Triple R and Legend.The Tandem axel payload capacity is 4960 lbs and will ride like a Tank unless it is loaded with less than 2500 lbs resulting in a miserable ride for the tow vehicle. Every bump puts a jerk on the lower back of the driver.

...this based on my experience of towing a 3500 lb payload rated trailer with less 2000 lbs of cargo.  The other Tow-ability issue is the 2 5/16 ball and a State Requirement of a Brake Controller on the Tow Vehicle. The cost to install a controller on my E150 is $330.

There are many more trailers available in the area with single axles. And they are less expensive.

Single axle Triple R is only $2650

Single axle Arising is only $3075

Single axle Haulmark is $3495 

The better built trailers cost a little more, but have a better chance of less leaks and longer lifetimes.   I am especially in favor of less side panel screws, as in the ARISING model ...or none, as in the LEGEND model and a 1 piece seamless roof. 

Spec sheets attached: 1) Triple R, 2) Arising, 3) Haulmark

Update virtual NARAM and NRC Sunday 8/23.


Sundays weather looks amazing. Wind under 4 mph WSW I plan to arrive on field 8-830 to set up. If the wind forecast holds I'll be on the WEST end of the field setting up.

Sorry for the late notice. If you are interested email or call me.
jbuckley1996@gmail.com, 636-734-0762. Looking for at least one NAR member for timing.

FYI I have also set an NRC for the following 3 weekends 8/29/30 including Labor Day. September is usually nice flying weather so I will set up more.

John Buckley

Virtual NARAM and NRC for this weekend 8/22 or 8/23

Anybody want to fly some rockets this weekend? Sunday 8/23 is the last day of virtual NARAM. I have also set an NRC sanction if you want to do that. The weather looks good so we can fly either day under the sanction.

Sorry for the late notice. If you are interested email or call me.
jbuckley1996@gmail.com, 636-734-0762. Looking for at least one NAR member for timing.

FYI I have also set an NRC for the following 3 weekends 8/29/30 including Labor Day. September is usually nice flying weather so I will set up more.

John Buckley

Update: I plan to fly on Sunday morning at 9AM 8 am setup.