In accordance with directives issued from NAR in response to the Coronavirus, SLRA's May 2nd model rocket launch has been canceled.
SLRA Rocketry Library
Dear SLRA members,
With these idle times, I was trying to improve my access to rocketry research, and I was wondering if any club members might be able to help. I have a book scanner that does no harm to the book or magazine being scanned. What I would like to do is to scan complete sets of rocketry related magazines and turn them into pdf files that are searchable with your computer.
If you have a collection of magazines (especially HPR ones like Extreme Rocketry that are no longer available) that I could borrow, I would be more than willing to pick them up - in these socially distanced times, you can just leave them on your doorstep, and phone me for pickup when ready. I will scan them quickly, and return them to you in the same way.
What you get is a digital copy of the searchable pdf files for your magazines.
If curious, more information about the scanner is here.
Note - I have no intent or desire to sell these scans - this is no different than what many libraries do with their collections, and no different than if the members of SLRA donated the magazines to a club library for their members use. Selling them, however, would be a violation of the magazine owners ability to receive revenue from them. Does the SLRA have a library?
If interested, please let me know by emailing me what you have to share. If you need boxes for the magazines, I have a few of those I can bring, too.
Gary Liming
SLRA April 28th Meeting
Topic: SLRA April 28th Meeting
Time: Apr 28, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 992 0623 4412
Password: 008210
Covid-19 Activity Update
The Tripoli board of directors voted to extend the moratorium on Tripoli group activities and launches for an additional two weeks.
It was also unanimously approved to extend memberships to match.
Everyone please stay safe!
*Cancelled* Tuesday, March 24, 2020 General Membership Meeting Announcement
In accordance with directives issued from NAR in response to the Coronavirus, SLRA's March 24th General Membership Meeting is cancelled.
*CANCELED* Buder Park Model Rocket Launch – Saturday, March 28th *CANCELED*
In accordance with directives issued from NAR in response to the Coronavirus, SLRA's March 28th model rocket launch has been canceled.
Fred Nute has High-Powered Rocket Items for Sale
My name is Fred Nute and I am a member of SLRA and a level 3 Tripoli member. I have decided to hang-up my rocket fins so-to-speak and have some items that I would like to sell that I still have on hand. While I would like to sell then collectively, or at least some of them, I can let some go on an individual basis. Here is a list of what I have
1) A Darkstar Extreme kit that is actually assembled with a chute cord in place, avionics sled, and the nosecone is equipped for A Big Bee GPS (also for sale); the sled is set-up for two altimeters (Perfectflite Stratologger and a MARSA54 – also for sale); two key switch holes on the avionics bay and launch lugs in place. The rocket nose cone is bright red but the lower half needs to be repainted. It has been wet sanded and is ready to paint; the bulkhead has two mental ejection canisters; The fact that this rocket is already constructed certainly takes away from the excitement of building it on one’s own but it is well constructed and there is still much to do for flight preparation – e.g. ground testing, chute sizing etc.
2) 75mm propellant M685W with a large moon core (intended for the Darkstar rocket); with an approximate 3.9 mile high (Rocksim) simulation flight.
3) An AeroTech RMS 75/7680 motor casing & liner (intended for the Darkstar)
4) Also have a 98mm motor casing I used for my level 3 certification
5) An additional Perfectflite Stratologger altimeter
6) Several parachutes including C3 X-large Drogue, Classic SkyAngle 28, 36, 44” etc. Rocketman 4 Prox
7) Several different shock cords; blast protectors
8) Ignitors, including 6 special made igniters made of pyrodex pellets, each attached to a long dowel (I used one for my level 3 certification); a few large ejection canisters
9) I also have several small G motors (single and one reloadable); G76, 64, 80, 79
e-mail Fred at:
Cosmosphere Apollo 13 50th Anniversary Commemoration Event *POSTPONEMENT*
The Apollo 13 50th Anniversary Launch Commemoration event has been postponed due to COVID-19. This is in direct response to the Cosmosphere postponing their Apollo 13 50th Anniversary event. We are now in "wait-mode", awaiting eventual news from the Cosmosphere as to their rescheduled dates. The good news is that we now have more time to build other scale rockets for the Launch Commemoration.
Cosmosphere Apollo 13 50th Anniversary Commemoration Event Update
Fellow SLRAers, Attached is the most current Apollo 13 50th Informational PDF for posting on the SLRA website. There were a few typo corrections and the times were slightly adjusted.
Happy Rocketeering!
Buder Park Model Rocket Launch – Saturday, March 28th
Our next model rocket launch is scheduled for Saturday, March 28th at Buder Park.
As always, please check the website for last-minute updates before heading to the field, or check your email if you are subscribed to the email list.
We'll start setup at 8:00 am and should have the range open by 8:30 if not earlier. The range will stay open for as long as people are flying, but we're typically done by 12:00 or 1:00 pm.
If you have any questions, please email
---The fine print---
Launch pads are usually set up in the southeast corner of the park, but this may change based on wind direction and other activities nearby.
Anyone who is a current, paid member of the National Association of Rocketry or Tripoli Rocketry Association is welcome to participate. Due to insurance regulations, those who are not a member of one of the two national organizations will need to have a NAR or Tripoli member inspect and fly their rockets for them. Non-members will also be asked to sign a liability release. If you wish to fly your own rockets, please be prepared to show your NAR or Tripoli membership card, or a receipt of payment if you are a new member who has not yet received a card.
Please note that these launches may be cancelled for a number of reasons, notably: weather conditions (rain, high wind), park conditions (mud, flooding), or scheduling conflicts (another group’s use of the park makes it impossible to safely launch, or not enough SLRA members are available to run the launch). Please check the “current launch status” on the front page of our website,, before making your way to the park.
Buder Park launches are conducted under the NAR safety code as “Class 1” rocket launches. Class 1 launches carry the following restrictions:
Rockets must weigh less than 1.5 kilograms (3.3 pounds) at liftoff, including propellant.
Rockets must contain no more than 125 grams (4.4 ounces) of propellant – this includes most motors up through G class (although see the note below regarding high-altitude launches). Only certified, commercial motors are allowed.
Rockets must be made of wood, paper, or breakable plastic, and contain no substantial metal parts.
Rockets must employ a recovery system such as a parachute, streamer, helicopter, glide, tumble or featherweight recovery
Decisions of the LCO (launch control officer) and RSO (range safety officer) are final with respect to these restrictions and safety in general. Our goal is safety for everyone involved.
The total size of Buder Park is approximately 2100 x 1200 feet, which according to the Model Rocket Safety Code is large enough to fly a G motor rocket. However, please keep in mind that we are usually not the only users of the park – we share it with radio control aircraft flyers, archers, sports teams, joggers, and many others. Also, the perimeter of the park is lined with very tall trees, and just beyond the north treeline you will find the Meramec River. Have some idea of how high your rocket is expected to go before you launch, keep the wind conditions in mind, and use common sense. Experienced SLRA members will be happy to advise you to make sure your rocket is safe and likely to be recoverable.
Finally, please remember to take adequate precautions in hot weather – use sunscreen and bring water or sports drinks to stay hydrated. One nice thing about Buder Park is that there is plenty of shade around the edges of the field, so please take shelter from the sun when you need to.Posted in Mail_All_Users, Uncategorized | Leave a reply