High-power fliers - please be aware of this advisory from AeroTech regarding the J450 and K535 Dark Matter DMS motors. Some J450DM motors in lot number 092818 and K535DM motors in lots 092418 and 101718 used cases that were wound at the incorrect angle and are thus more likely to fail. If you have one of these motors, please look at the attached document for details about how to determine whether you have a faulty one.
High power launch rescheduled for December 1
The new scheduled date for the high power launch is Saturday December 1.
The rest of this post is a copy/paste of the earlier announcement, for your reference:
Range setup will begin at 8:30am and we can start flying rockets as soon as setup is done - so the more people that come early to help, the sooner we can start!
This will be a Tripoli launch held under Tripoli Research rules, so experimental motors are allowed for Tripoli members with the proper certification (although the RSO of course has the final say). There will also be a NAR NRC competition held alongside the high power launch and NAR members are welcome for either competition or sport / recreational flying. We will have 1/8", 3/16" and 1/4" launch rods along with 1010 and 1515 rails. If you are launching a rocket weighing more than about 20 pounds and need the "monster" launch pad, you must let us know ahead of time, as we may not bring it if it's not needed.
Our FAA waiver permits flights up to 17,500 feet AGL (approximately 18,000 feet MSL). If you are planning a flight over 10,000 feet AGL, please bring simulation results to show to the RSO, to avoid any risk of violating that waiver altitude. (We have a great relationship with the FAA and want to keep it that way!)
There will be a $10 launch fee for high-power fliers, to defray the cost of renting the porta-potty for the day. Model rocket flyers will have a launch fee of $3, but this fee is waived for paid SLRA members. These launch fees are per family and good for however many flights you want to do.
Here are the latitude / longitude of the flying field, along with a Google Maps link. You'll enter off Raven Rd. and proceed SLOWLY through the farm to reach the launch site.
38°22'23.2"N 89°29'24.8"W
Please email admin@stlouisrocketry.com if you have any questions.
High-power launch postponed again
Unfortunately, we need to postpone our high-power launch once again. The field in Addieville is still too muddy for us to bring vehicles in and set up a launch.
We are currently discussing a new schedule - we hope to be able to announce a date later today.
Addieville high-power launch postponed
The rain this week has left the field in Addieville too muddy to use for a high-power launch this weekend. We have also contacted the landowner for the Elsberry site, but have received no response yet; we can assume, though, that it's just as muddy up there.
We are therefore postponing the launch until next Saturday, November 10, with the same setup time, 8:30am. Since we'll be off DST, we'll have a shorter day (sunset is at 6:00pm) but there should still be plenty of time to fly rockets until you're tired of chasing them.
The rest of this post is a copy/paste of the earlier announcement, for your reference:
Range setup will begin at 8:30am and we can start flying rockets as soon as setup is done - so the more people that come early to help, the sooner we can start!
This will be a Tripoli launch held under Tripoli Research rules, so experimental motors are allowed for Tripoli members with the proper certification (although the RSO of course has the final say). There will also be a NAR NRC competition held alongside the high power launch and NAR members are welcome for either competition or sport / recreational flying. We will have 1/8", 3/16" and 1/4" launch rods along with 1010 and 1515 rails. If you are launching a rocket weighing more than about 20 pounds and need the "monster" launch pad, you must let us know ahead of time, as we may not bring it if it's not needed.
Our FAA waiver permits flights up to 17,500 feet AGL (approximately 18,000 feet MSL). If you are planning a flight over 10,000 feet AGL, please bring simulation results to show to the RSO, to avoid any risk of violating that waiver altitude. (We have a great relationship with the FAA and want to keep it that way!)
There will be a $10 launch fee for high-power fliers, to defray the cost of renting the porta-potty for the day. Model rocket flyers will have a launch fee of $3, but this fee is waived for paid SLRA members. These launch fees are per family and good for however many flights you want to do.
Here are the latitude / longitude of the flying field, along with a Google Maps link. You'll enter off Raven Rd. and proceed SLOWLY through the farm to reach the launch site.
Please email admin@stlouisrocketry.com if you have any questions.
Tuesday, October 23, 2018 General Membership Meeting Announcement
Sorry - I meant to combine this announcement with the previous one, but I was just so excited about announcing the high-power launch that I hit the send button too soon.
SLRA is having our regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, October 23rd, at our regular meeting location:
Fallon's Bar & Grill
9200 Olive Blvd. #116
Olivette, Missouri, 63132
The room will be available at 6:00 PM and the business meeting will start at about 7:00PM.
If you're a member of SLRA and are registered on the website, you can view minutes of previous meetings here: Meeting Minutes Page, The meeting minutes will be the basis of our "old business" discussion.
The standard agenda for all meetings is as follows:
1. Treasury Status.
2. Recognition of Achievements
3. Recognition of Contributions
4. Members expenses.
5. Old Business - please review minutes for last month's meeting for topics
6. New Business
Online and paper membership forms with payments received by mail to be processed by treasurer and president.
Please email admin@stlouisrocketry.com if you have new business for the meeting.
High-power launch and General Membership Meeting Announcement
Good news, everyone! We are pleased to announce a high-power launch at our Addieville Illinois launch site on Saturday, November 3rd. Range setup will begin at 8:30am and we can start flying rockets as soon as setup is done - so the more people that come early to help, the sooner we can start!
This will be a Tripoli launch held under Tripoli Research rules, so experimental motors are allowed for Tripoli members with the proper certification (although the RSO of course has the final say). There will also be a NAR NRC competition held alongside the high power launch and NAR members are welcome for either competition or sport / recreational flying. We will have 1/8", 3/16" and 1/4" launch rods along with 1010 and 1515 rails. If you are launching a rocket weighing more than about 20 pounds and need the "monster" launch pad, you must let us know ahead of time, as we may not bring it if it's not needed.
Our FAA waiver permits flights up to 17,500 feet AGL (approximately 18,000 feet MSL). If you are planning a flight over 10,000 feet AGL, please bring simulation results to show to the RSO, to avoid any risk of violating that waiver altitude. (We have a great relationship with the FAA and want to keep it that way!)
There will be a $10 launch fee for high-power fliers, to defray the cost of renting the porta-potty for the day. Model rocket flyers will have a launch fee of $3, but this fee is waived for paid SLRA members. These launch fees are per family and good for however many flights you want to do.
Here are the latitude / longitude of the flying field, along with a Google Maps link. You'll enter off Raven Rd. and proceed SLOWLY through the farm to reach the launch site.
38°22'23.2"N 89°29'24.8"W
Please email admin@stlouisrocketry.com if you have any questions.
October Fly Results
Results have been approved by the NAR contest board.
John B
October Fly XVII results
I am not too sure if my other message went through, so sending again. I have attached an excel spreadsheet summarizing the results. I have uploaded results to the national scoreboard.. Anyway Keith Vinyard was the meet champion.
If you would like a copy of the contest manager file let me know. The website will not allow me to attach that file type.
Thanks to all for participating.
John Buckley
[gview file="http://dmortproductions.com/stlrocketry/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/OCtober-XVII-standings.xlsx"]
High-power launch…gauging interest
Calling all high-power fliers!
We have received word that the field in Addieville will likely be available on the first weekend in November (Saturday 11/3 and Sunday 11/4). We are aware that that is the same weekend as Midwest Power, which some people already have plans to attend, so we are sending this notice to find out who would be interested in having an Addieville launch that same weekend.
If you would like to fly high power in Addieville on 11/3 and/or 11/4, please reply by email to admin@stlouisrocketry.com and tell us which days you can attend (Saturday, Sunday or both).
We'll send out another announcement once we have a plan.
Dan Crank
Secretary, St. Louis Rocketry Association
October Fly VII update
I am hoping that we will get the contest in this weekend, though I am watching the weather forecast, which is calling for scattered showers. I plan to be on the field at Buder Park around 8:30 to check wind direction and rain. Probably it will be the west end of the park, based on the current wind forecast. But we'll see.
If people want to fly sport models that's ok but we'll not be using the club equipment. I'll be running the contest range as a misfire alley set up, so bring your own launcher. As contest director I will be the range safety officer so check in with me if you want to fly sport models.
John Buckley
As a reminder here are the contest particulars:
October Fly XVII, October 6-7, 2018
Location: Buder Park in St. Louis
October Fly has an events (5) list as follows:
1/4A helicopter duration
1/4A parachute duration
C Egg loft altitude
A Boost Glide
Set duration (t=55s)
These 5 events will decide the October Fly championship. The contest will be sanctioned as an NRC contest. Therefore, any NRC event may be flown although those results won’t count toward October Fly. Eggs will be available but not payloads.
Contest hours will be 9AM to 5PM Saturday and 9AM to 3PM Sunday. Note that the first hour of each day may involve some set up time.