By a vote of 9 to 2, SLRA has elected to move our monthly meetings to a new location and date. Beginning in September, the meeting will be held on the fourth Tuesday of the month at Fallon's Bar & Grill in Olivette.
Fallon's Bar & Grill
9200 Olive Blvd., Suite #116
Olivette, Missouri, 63132
Don Hanson is our contact with Dan Fallon, the owner of the establishment. I believe that we can use the room beginning at 6:00 pm, but I will confirm this with Don and include the time when I send out the announcement for the next meeting (September 26). The business meetings will run approximately 7:30pm - 9:00pm as they have done in the past.
Since we only have one Buder Park launch remaining on the schedule, I am planning to keep it on its scheduled date: Sunday, September 17. This means that we will not have another meeting between now and this launch. Please contact me at if you have any questions about the launch or the new meeting location.
Dan Crank
Secretary, St. Louis Rocketry Association