Weather Forces Cancellation of the December 21/22 Launch Dates at Elsberry

It was a slim hope, but with the melting of snow today and large amount of rain forecast for Elsberry Friday and Saturday, there is no way we can hold a launch this weekend. We will regroup in 2014 after our next meeting, when we will establish the spring launch schedule. We traditionally have not planned launches in January due to the historically bad weather. There will be a "bring your own equipment" launch scheduled at Buder Park for the third Saturday in January. More details for this launch will be provided.

Status of the Upcoming December 7/8 Launches at Elsberry – RSVP Form Available

The weather is likely to be very cold during both days with some moisture from Thursday remaining. There is a possibility of snow showers on Sunday. The temperature during the day is colder than normal for fall launches and may limit attendance. For this reason, we need to know the interest level in flying and helping out this weekend and for the following weekends.

An RSVP form has been created for all possible launch dates in December. You can indicate your interest to fly, certify, or help out on the possible three weekends before Christmas. The November RSVP form was helpful and we thank those who filled it out and encourage the same for December.

The form is available here: link