General Launch Info for Rocket Fliers

We hold three types of launches: Low/Mid Power Launches, High Power Launches, NAR Contests

Buder Park Launches:

Buder Park location: Buder Park Launch Location

Class 1″ rocket launches are held at Buder Park. We typically fly once a month during the spring and summer months (March through September)  with an optional launch in January if the weather is good enough. The public is welcome to attend and fly rockets with us. Launch fees are collected at all launches; please see the announcement post for the specific launch for fee amounts. We are covered by NAR insurance but you can only fly at Buder if you attend one of our scheduled launches. Individuals may not fly at Buder Park by themselves (outside of our scheduled launches) and may be asked to leave by Park Rangers. We are frequently asked if there are locations that club members or the public may fly at in St. Louis and we currently do not know of any other locations that officially allow rockets to be flown besides our scheduled launches at Buder Park.

At “class 1″ rocket launches, rockets weighing up to 3.3 pounds (a total lift-off weight of 1,500 grams) may be flown. The propellant weight limit for “class 1″ rockets is 125 grams of fuel. Normally when we use “class 1 Rocket Rules” in Buder Park we are not limited to a specific altitude, but the practical limits of the field makes it unlikely to recover a rocket flying over 1500 feet AGL (above ground level). All “High Power” launches are held at our Elsberry, Missouri launch site. “Class 1″ rockets (including “model rockets”) are always welcome at our “High Power” launches at Elsberry as long as you are a member of Tripoli or NAR for insurance purposes. Our park launches are covered by NAR insurance and you do not have to be a member of Tripoli or NAR to fly rockets at Buder Park.

Downloadable Flight Cards can be filled out prior to arriving.

High Power Launches

Here is a link to the Elsberry location with directions to get there: Elsberry Site

Our launch location in Elsberry Missouri is private land and offers a very large field to fly with some distance away from Elsberry itself. We have an FAA waiver for every high power launch that allows flights to 6000 feet above sea level (approximately 5500 feet above ground level) during the entire launch and flights to 15000 feet above sea level (approximately 14500 feet above ground level)  during windows that we obtain by telephone from the FAA at Lambert on request from our high power fliers. Typically our high power launches are held as Tripoli Research launches.

The land used by the St. Louis Rocketry Association for the Launch Site at Elsberry, Missouri is private property. Since it is privately owned, the site is only open for rocketry activities during the specific launch dates and times when launches are officially sponsored by the St. Louis Rocketry Association. You may not fly rockets from, or otherwise use the Elsberry launch site on other dates or at other times.  Thank you for respecting the landowner and his right of privacy.

Launch fees are collected at all launches; please see the announcement post for the specific launch for fee amounts. All fliers must be either an NAR or Tripoli member for insurance purposes. Membership cards will be verified at the RSO table during flier registration. Spectators are always welcome and must remain in the spectator areas.

Only level 1 (or higher) NAR or Tripoli members will be allowed in the launch preparation area. All other fliers must be escorted in the launch prep area or to the actual launch pads by a SLRA member. Dates and locations of all launches are as accurate as we can foresee, however, the launch information on this page is subject to change. Please confirm the launch status of any given launch on the front page of the SLRA web-site before leaving for the launch site.  All “High Power” launches are held at our Elsberry, Missouri launch site. “Class 1″ rockets (including “model rockets”) are always welcome at our “High Power” launches at Elsberry if you are a member of Tripoli or NAR or are under 18 years old. Those over 18 who are not members of Tripoli or NAR  and have not made prearrangements with SLRA will not be able to fly at this launch. Spectators (non fliers) are always welcome at all of SLRA’s launches.

Downloadable Flight Cards can be filled out prior to arriving.

NAR Contest (October Fly)

John Buckley organizes the yearly October Fly NAR contest which is typically held at our Elsberry location. When the contest occurs during a scheduled high power launch, there will be two setups.  One for the high power and model rocket fliers and a second setup for the NAR contest fliers. Contact John for further details.

Contacts for Rocket Fliers

We have active certification programs for both NAR and Tripoli members. Our club contacts are:

John Buckley - NAR Section Head
Mike Walsh - Tripoli Prefect

You can get contact information for John or Mike by using our "contact us" page and the club secretary will reply and provide you with the necessary contact information.